
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22


摘 要 本文略论归纳了在商务英语中如何使语气委婉,措辞得当的措施和手段,充分说明了商务英语中的礼貌准则。熟练地应用此项准则,有助于双方在平等互利的基础上建立贸易联系。

关键词 礼貌准则 委婉 弱化

Abstract In order to explain what is courtesy principle of business English,this paper presents the methodswhich make diction tactful and tone mild during business negotiation and writing.If we use the principle skill-fully it can help both sides to establish business relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Key words courtesy principle mild tone decrease negative


1 将命令式改为请求式请求式能够避免居高自傲,体现双方的平等地位。我们常常用“I wish...”,“Ihope...”,“I think...”,“I’d like to...”,“Please...”等句型来提出要求或表达意愿,语气委婉,观点鲜明。

1·Would you please send us your cataloguetogether with detailed offer?请寄样品目录并详细报价。

2.We wish to be your agent in our district ifthe commission rate is favorable.如佣金率优惠,我们愿作你方在我地区的代理。

3.We hope to enlarge our trade with yourcountry and intend to grant you 3% discount.我们希望扩大与贵国的贸易,并准备给你方3%折扣。

4.We think it advisable to postpone dis-cussing the matter.我们认为暂缓讨论此事为宜。

5.I would like to point out that because ofthe limit stock,you’d better accept it as soon aspossible.我得说明一下,由于现货数量有限,你方最好尽快办理。

2 使用过去时在商务英语中常用情态动词的一般过去式表示现在或将来的时间,以使谈话的语气更为婉转,带有更多的商量口吻。例如在表示询问,请求或表达与对方不同的观点时,如果用“Canyou...?”“Will you...?”“I want...”“I won-der...”未免显得生硬、唐突,如果换成过去时,就显得温和有礼,没有火药味,易于对方接受。

1·Could you please quote price inclusive oftransportation and insurance, and inform mewhen deliver?请在报价中加进运输费和保险费,并告知我方何时交货。

2·I wondered whether you could make de-livery in the middle of June.不知你方能否在六月中旬交货?

3 使用虚拟语气在国际贸易中,商务人员常用动词的虚拟式提出建议或请求,使语气委婉含蓄,具有更多的磋商余地,这样更有利于在平等信任的基础上,达成贸易协议。

1·We should be grateful if you wouldchange the invoice and let us have a correctcopy.如蒙贵方重换发票,并回寄更改后的文本,我方将不胜感激。

2. If the quantity were not so large, wecould not give you such a high discounts.如果不是因为这么大的订量,我们是不能给这么高的回扣的。

3.May we suggest that you make some al-lowance on your quoted prices so as to enable usto introduce your goods to our customers.建议贵企业在报价上让一步,以便我们能将你方货物介绍给我方买主。

4.We wish we could accept your counter_of-fer but unfortunately the price quoted by us isquite realistic,we cannot do so.我们也希望能接受你方的还盘,但令人遗憾的是报给你方的价格已很实际,我们确实无法同意。

4 使用被动语态在商务信函中,经常使用主动句,从而明确地表达交易双方的立场和观点,而且也能使句式简洁明了。但有时被动句更合适,更有用,尤其是在表示否定意思时,常采用被动语态。这样可以避免语气咄咄逼人,引起对方反感,不利于双方在融洽的气氛中建立贸易联系。

1·What if the inspection cannot be complet-ed within the time limit?如果商品检验不能在规定期限内完成,怎么办?

2.Shipment should be made before Octo-ber,otherwise we are not able to catch the sea-son.十月底前必须交货,否则就赶不上季节了。

3.The price list was not enclosed in yourletter.价目表没有随信附上。

4.We shall be forced to consider passing thematter over to our legal department for the col-lection.我方将被迫考虑将此事移交给法学部门,由他们来追回超期未付的款项。英语的主动句强调的是动作的执行者,而被动句强调的是动作承受者,例1、例2、例3没有指明动作执行者,因而没有盛气凌人的味道,弱化了责备的语气。例4如果用主动句,则是指责对方迫使我们这么做,容易使对方不悦;用被动句则说明我们这么做是不得已而为之,提醒对方遵守双方达成的协议。
