当地旅游广告翻译探讨与评价 Local Tourism Advertising Translation Research and Evaluatio[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

当地旅游广告翻译探讨与评价 Local Tourism advertising Translation Research and Evaluatio

With the internationalization of tourism, local tourism outside advertising increasingly pay attention to art as a means of disseminating information, its simple refining, vivid, full of emotion and a call to action language, and general English have a large difference. By analyzing the local Tourism Advertising vocabulary manifested in a variety of language features, reflected from the style, sentence structure and from the use of rhetorical aspects of local tourism Advertising Translation of design research and evaluation, using a large number Examples of argument to make the article more rich, lively, believe in learning to master the local Tourism Advertising writing and translation would be helpful.


According to the American advertising guru ES Lu Lewis (ESLewis) the AIDA principle, a successful advertising should have the following four points: Attention (interesting), Interest (people interested), Desire (Desire triggered), Action (promotion actions ). Local Tourism Advertising is intended to introduce foreign tourists to various attractions of the situation, passing on information, which has informative and interesting. Propaganda advertising specific communicative purpose determines its principles in the translation, translation methods and other aspects of the design of special - only when asked in overseas tourists resonate, touched their hearts, for they form charisma, so that they trips generated impulses can be called successful advertising.

American translation theorist Eugene Nida (EugeneANida) said: "The translation is far from being a science paper to write it is more a technology, but really is the ideal translation essence is an art." (... Translatingisfarmorethanascience . Itisalsoaskill, andattheultimateanalysis, fullysatisfactorytranslationisalwaysanart.) [1] where he rose to translate to a higher academic level necessary to meet the requirements of translators translate the law, but should reach artistic standards. Mr. Nida proposed translation two criteria: First, to convey the original meaning, the second is to convey the original style, from the collected translations, we see Mr. Nida's theory has been verified.

A Local Tourism Advertising Creative should have a strong local flavor
Local Tourism Advertising first in-depth analysis and mining local attractions unique cultural flavor, which reflects its characteristics, vividly demonstrated its value, to make the translation to English tourists generally have the effect on Chinese tourists and the original effect produced considerable. Such as: an introduction Kunming ads are written like this: (  Kunming is a beautiful place, like spring, thousand flowers blooming.) Sentence hover and riot used quite aptly, highly targeted, firmly grasp the Kunming spring-million flowers blooming unique landscape, greatly enhancing the freshness of its visitors, so that they produce poetic associations.
Another example: Sea, sun, sand, seclusion-andSpain! Creators of this ad targeted, with the typical Spanish sun, sand and sea to attract readers, so that readers natural yearning mind!

Local Tourism Advertising writing style should be lig,英语论文题目英语论文
