
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24

摘 要
商标翻译在进出口贸易中有着举足轻重的地位. 商标既担负着其经济使命,对产品的销售起着决定性影响; 又承载了公司的文化, 携带着主要的产品特征. 作为女性的主要消费品,化妆品的商标翻译还须更加深入与细致的探讨, 以开拓国内外的化妆品市场.

本文以功能理论为理论基础,通过其最主要的目的论来阐述在化妆品商品名翻译中, 译者应该考虑的诸多因素. 由于商品是以销售为目的, 因此, 化妆品的翻译应该考虑到其名称的美感, 消费者的心理, 消费人群以及跨文化现象, 并针对这些因素进行翻译策略的略论.

本文第一章对功能理论以及其在化妆品商标翻译中的运用进行了介绍与略论, 特别是对目的论进行了详细的解释.关于功能等效原理,本文也提出了不能一概而论的见解.本文第二章针对化妆品商标的特点, 对其进行归类, 并阐述了作用化妆品商标翻译的两大因素,即心理因素和文化因素.本文第三章是在前两章所做略论的基础上, 通过个案探讨, 提出四种主要的化妆品商标翻译措施并简要做了总结,为译者提供了翻译策略的参考.

本文旨在通过对化妆品商标翻译的探讨, 对商标翻译进行进一步剖析的同时, 也为国内化妆品品牌进军国际市场之前,在商标的翻译方面提供一些参考.

关键词:商标翻译 ,英语论文网站,化妆品,功能理论, 翻译策略
Brand name translation plays a vital role in the international market. The brand name is not only related to the economic benefit regards with its decisive function for sales,but also to the culture of enterprises for conveying the features of products. As the major expenditure for women, the translation for cosmetic brand names should have more detailed and deeper research, in order to develop cosmetic market home and abroad.

On the basis of Functionalists, especially the Skopos Theory, this thesis explains the imperative factors which should be taken into consideration in the translation process. Since the sales target, cosmetic brand name translation should be in accordance with the aesthetic values, consumer psychology, and target group and cross-culture factor. This thesis tries to provide some strategies in light of these factors.

Chapter One gives a brief introduction and analysis for the Functionalists applied in translation of cosmetic brand names, and a further explanation for the Skopos Theory. As for equivalence and faithfulness, this thesis provides the specific method to deal with. Chapter Two categorizes the existing cosmetic brand names according to their features, and suggests the two major influential factors for cosmetic brand name translation—psychology and culture. On the basis of the former chapters, Chapter Three puts forward four strategies for cosmetic brand name translation through the cases analyzing, supplying translators the reference for translation strategies.

This thesis aims not only at raising the further resolution for brand name translation, but also at providing help for the cosmetic enterprises willing to compete in the international market.

Keywords: trademark translation, cosmetic , Functionalist, translation strategies
Chapter One Translation Studies4
1.1 The Funtinalist Approach4
1.1.1 The Introduction of Funtionalist Approach4
1.1.2 Skopos Theory6
1.2 Perspectives on Translation7
1.2.1 On Equivalence and Faithfulness7
1.2.2 Towards a Target-culture Translation Approach8
Chapter Two Cosmetic Brand Names10
2.1 Overview of Brand Name10
2.2 The Feature of Cosmetic Brand Name12
2.3 Issues on Cosmetic Brand Name Translation15
2.3.1 Consumption Psychology15
2.3.2 Cross-cultural Factor16
Chapter Three Strategies for Cosmetic Brand Translation18
3.1 Translitaration18
3.2 Literal Translation19
3.3 Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation20
3.4 Free Translation21



