论文ID:393526217 摘 要 本文首先结合中国外宣工作实际,研讨了当代外宣翻译的重大影响;然后以传统翻译理论及翻译策略为基点,英语论文题目,通过文献综述法,案例略论法及论证法对外宣翻译资料中的中式英语现象进行阐述,英语论文网站,略论出中式英语存在于外宣翻译工作中的缘由以及因此产生的不利作用;最后根据中译英翻译理论及翻译策略,总结出适合解决政策性外宣翻译以及公司外宣翻译中出现中式英语问题的翻译策略。 关键词:外宣翻译;政策性外宣翻译;公司;探讨;中式英语 ABSTRACT This paper first explores the significance of external publicity in the modern China, attaching importance to the translation quality of publicity materials. It then points out problems in the existing translations of publicity materials, elaborates the the common phenomenon of chinglish in translations of economic literature of enterprises and political documents in terms of its definition, current situation, causes, forms, and its negative effect on the quality of translations of publicity materials as well as on the results of external publicity. It finally discussestranslation strategies for reducing and envading chinglish in translating publicity materials based on traditional C-E translation theories and methods. Keywords:study; research; chinglish Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The significance of external publicity 2 2.1 The definition of external publicity 2 2.2 Classification of publicity materials 3 2.3 Features of publicity materials 3 3. The current situation of translations of external publicity 5 3.1 The translations of external publicity 5 3.2 Problems in translations of publicity materials 5 4. Chinglish in translations of external publicity and translation strategies 7 4.1 The definition of Chinglish 7 4.2 Chinglish in translations of publicity materials 7 4.3 The cause of Chinglish 8 4.4 The effect of Chinglish in translations of external publicity 9 4.5 Strategies for translating Publicity materials 9 5.Conclusion 12 Acknowledgement 13 References 1 外宣翻译中式英语近况略论及翻译策略...... |