论文ID:406625321 摘 要 唯美主义是出现于19世纪欧洲的资产阶级文艺思潮。唯美主义者主张“为艺术而艺术”,坚信艺术高于生活,具有永恒的力量。在英国,王尔德是唯美主义运动的代表人物,英语毕业论文,是唯美主义创作的实践者。王尔德的童话著作充满了奇妙的想象,结构精致,语言华美,英语论文范文,富有浓郁的诗意,本文将把他的童话著作做为重点探讨的对象,通过文本略论的措施,归纳著作的特点,并进一步探索其中所折射出的唯美主义艺术观。 关键词:王尔德;唯美主义;童话 ABSTRACT The aestheticism is a trend of bourgeois literary thoughts which appeared in the nineteenth century in Europe. People who believed in aestheticism advocated the belief "Art for art's sake", they believed that the Art transcended life, and had its eternity. In England, the representative of aestheticism is Oscar Wilde, who is the also practitioner of aesthetic writing. Wilde's fairy tales are full of fantastic imaginations, fine composition, florid words and have a kind of poetic flavour. Through analyzing Wild’s fairy tales, this thesis probes both the features of his tales and the aesthetic ideas these tales reflect. Keywords:Wilde; aestheticism; fairy tale Contents 1. Introduction1 1.1 Wilde and His Works1 1.2 Wilde's Aesthetic Intention1 2. The Aestheticism in Wilde's Fairy Tales5 2.1 The Beauty of Image5 2.2 The Beauty of Spirit7 2.3 The Beauty of the Tragic Ending11 3. The Main Feature of Wilde's Tales: The Aesthetic Idea14 3.1 Wilde's tales: No Magic in the Real World14 3.2 Wilde's tales: Perfect Ending14 4. Conclusion15 Acknowledgements16 References17 美与哀伤的色彩...... |