
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24

 最近10年来,英语论文,随着教育改革的不断深入,课堂教学改革有了一定的发展,教师开始注重学生在课堂上的积极发言与不断参与,关于这些转变,我们非常的欣喜,英语毕业论文,但是下课以后经过冷静的思索,笔者总是感觉现在的课堂教学在深层次上并没有实质性的变化,学生仍然还是完成作业的机器,整日陷在题海中,学生的感情几乎麻木了。频繁的测试、排名,使学生对学习产生了厌倦心理,课堂上许多学生的回答只是简单的“yes or no”,甚至大多数时候,45分钟的一堂课学生都是沉默不语,只是做些简单的笔记,学生的学习动机完全凭外界的促进来实现,久而久之,学生学习的主动性和自觉性就逐渐被泯灭了。
  同时,我们在英语教学中因为高考不考“说”的能力,而把“说”架空,那是很不明智的做法,因为“说”能使学生重新审视自己,切实体会到学习英语是一种需要,会对自己原有的英语语言能力产生不满足感,而这不满足感正是学习向上的动力和源泉所在。所以笔者想在英语课堂实施“Daily Report”以此来培养学生的自主学习能力,激活民主的英语课堂,让“Daily Report”成为激活高一英语课堂的一池活水。
  一、对“Daily Report”三个方面的思考
  1. “Daily Report”的内容难易度的把握
  下面,笔者以茅同学和陈同学的daily report 为例,来反思和不断调整英语课堂中“daily report”的内容选材。茅同学在做report之前,先提出这样的问题:How to drive Monday blues away? 让学生带着问题有目的地听茅同学的daily report的全文如下:
  Monday morning always seems to come too soon. Just when you’re getting used to the weekend, it’s already finished. For many of us, Monday is what we hate, but we have no escape from it.
  So take a deep breath and get your spirits up. In case you will find it hard, here are three tips to drive the Monday blues away.
  Just get out. The best to do on a Monday morning is to get some exercise or go for a walk that gets your feel-good hormones working. Just find a green spot to have a walk or even just sit there. Fresh air, sunshine and green plants can put you in a better mood.
  Turn the music on. When you’re back from your walk, nothing works better than listening to some music that you are interested in. Get your favourite, turn on your music system and let the music set the tone for the day.
  Eat happily. For those food lovers—bring out your favourite chocolate and eat it all by yourself, right in the morning. Nothing is better than the guilty pleasure of early morning chocolates. You say you’re on a diet? Then make Monday your free day food is the best way to beat the blues.
  Remember: the next weekend’s just five days away.
  陈同学做Daily Report 之前也是先给出qestion: what are the polite words mentioned in the report? 此外,陈同学在黑板上写好报告的主题是Magic power of polite words ,然后才开始她的daily report:
  Nowadays, people treat polite words as a necessary part in daily communications. Polite words can help us set up a good image in other people’s minds, so those polite words we say such as “please”, “thank you”,“sorry” and so on are magic words. And they have strong magic power we often ignored in our daily life.
 Imagine when we are in trouble and we need other people’s help, we must talk to them and at the very time polite words can produce the best possible results. It will also come into play when we are in a job interview. Magic words can also show our characteristics, it is well known that people like those who have good manners than those who don’t.
  All in all, polite words can not be ignored in our lives and thus we must develop the habit of using these magic words in necessary occasions more frequently.
  在陈同学讲述的过程中许多同学露出了满意的微笑,可见她们都听懂了daily report,也知道了问题的答案,同学们很有成就感。
  比较一下这两篇daily report的内容,茅同学是陈述How to drive Monday blues away?陈同学是陈述Magic power of polite words,尽管两篇report就内容上来说都是与学生平时的学习生活密切相关的,但是为什么效果不一样呢?下[专业提供和论文/的服务。]课以后笔者再次仔细阅读两篇daily report原材料,笔者发现茅同学的材料作为阅读文章来讲是不难的,但是作为daily report的原材料来说是比较难的,其中也出现了一些关于部分学生来说还是生词的词汇:blue,escape,spirits, in case,hormones ,system,guilty,on a diet等。而在陈同学的原材料中只有characteristics才是生词,显然要容易,而且其中的magic words:“please”,“thank you”,“sorry”学生一听就明白,在日常学习生活中也是经常使用的。
  通过以上的例子,笔者认为教师在学生上台进行“daily report”之前一定要针对本班学生的英语学习情况有一定的了解,把握好“daily report”的难度,否则只能浪费宝贵的课堂教学时间,使英语课堂气氛更加沉闷,抑制了学生的学习积极性。
  2.“daily report”呈现形式的多样性
  最初一个月的“daily report”都是按个别学生课外认真准备,课堂上全班学生按照座位轮流上台
