
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-24


    这节课是对外研社教材pronunciation部分的整合,这里的pronunciation主要涉及stress(重音,包括词重读和句重读),intonation(语调),rhythm(音节),liaison(连读),sense group(意群)五大部分,主要集中在前四册书中。由于每册书每模块的pronunciation部分的内容很少,学生学起来比较零散,而且由于高一课时比较紧张,这一部分也不作为重点,因此我们对这部分内容进行了整合。主要学习stress(重音)和intonation(语调)在英语当中常见的规则。本节课借助了外研社的“点读笔”这一非常便捷、先进的教学设备。“点读笔”和外研社教材的有机融合使我们能够灵活地应用教材上所有的有声材料,课堂练习也更加丰富。我将这堂课分为两部分,一部分处理重音问题,一部分解决语调问题。
    Step I Lead in
    1. Show students a video clip and ask them a few questions about intonation and lead in the topic.
    2. Show students the requirement of the New Curriculum Standard for intonation and let them realize the importance of intonation.
    3.Help students make clear of the connection of stress, syllable and vowel.
    Step Ⅱ Presentation and practice of stress
    1. Read these words and notice the stressed sound.
    2. Practise the dialogue, underlining the words which should be stressed.
    Interviewer: Did you travel by plane?
    Mary Lennon:By plane? No, of course not! We travelled by ship!
    Interviewer: How long did that take?
    Mary Lennon: About seven days.
    Interviewer: Did you enjoy it?
    Mary Lennon: No! I hated it!
    Interviewer: Why? Were you sick?
    Mary Lennon: No, I was bored!
    3. Read the sentences and underline the words that you think are important and should be stressed.
    Interviewer: How often do you use the Internet?
    Tom: Every day.
    Interviewer: At school or at home?
    Tom: At school and at home.
    Interviewer: How much time do you spend on the Internet at home?
    Tom: As much time as I can. About five hours.
    Interviewer: Five hours a week?
    Tom: No! Five hours a day!
    That man said(that)/that that(that)that man said/is not right.
    重音具体分为词重音和句重音。这两种重音有时候一致,有时候有区别,并且经常相互作用。词重音部分,首先帮助学生明确重读与音节和元音之间的联系。语言中的单词是由音节组成的。音节是由单词中元音的数量决定的,而只有双音节和多音节的词才有音节的重读。举出两组单词,先让学生自己读,然后随着点读笔进行模仿。其中第二组的特点是相同单词随着重音的不同而词性不同,并且配以例句。句重音部分,首先帮助学生总结规律,即一般情况下实词该重读,英语论文范文,这里的实词主要包括名词、专有名词、动词、形容、大多数副词、数词、动名词、动词的现在分词和过去分词形式、双音节介词、特殊疑问词、指示代词,但在具体的语境中会有所不同。相同的句子由于重音不同,往往会引起歧义。通过课本中两段对话的练习,让学生自己体会并且跟随点读笔朗读。接下来给学生一个challenge,出示:That man said(that)/that that(that)that man said/is not right.这个有趣的复合句子,起到了画龙点睛的影响,激发了学生的兴趣。在讨论环节,学生以及现场听课的老师进行了热烈的研讨,而在展示环节,学生踊跃举手回答问题,将整堂课推向了高潮。本环节采用了小组讨论的措施。
    Step Ⅲ Presentation and practice of intonation
    1. Read the sentences and pay attention to the intonation. Does the voice go up or down at the end?
    (1)Is there any water in this kettle?
    (2)Can she type this letter for me?
    (3)Do you want a cup?
    (4)Where do you come from?
    (5)What's the climate like in your country?
    (6)Which seasons do you like best?
    2. Read the sentences and notice the intonation going up or down.
    (1)When my husband was going into the dining room this morning, he dropped some coins on the floor.
    (2)We looked for them, but we could not find them all.
    (3)While we were having breakfast, our little boy, Tommy,
