
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18

说话文明学的研究对象是表达、保留和传承文明的各类说话手腕,以阐释说话中的平易近族文明特色为目标。不雅念(концепт)是说话文明学的重要领域,是文明的根本细胞。不雅念是人的认识中的文明信息的凝聚,它表现了说话与文明之间的接洽,具有传承平易近族文明的功效。在现今说话文明学界,俄语毕业论文,不雅念剖析曾经成为剖析平易近族文明内在的主要办法。不雅念是平易近族文明的主要构成部门,表现平易近族奇特的精力与特性。本论文的重要研究对象是俄语成语中的“职业”不雅念。“职业”不雅念是哲学家、社会学家、心思学家和思惟家的研究内容。俄语“职业”不雅念的构成与俄罗斯特别的汗青、地舆和宗教崇奉等身分有关,具有光鲜的平易近族奇特性。本文从说话文明学角度,对俄语成语中的“职业”不雅念停止剖析,这将有助于我们懂得其在说话中表现出的平易近族心态和文明内在,从而懂得俄罗斯平易近族的世界不雅、人生不雅和价值不雅。本论文的实际基本是不雅念的说话文明阐释,经由过程不雅念剖析办法,以俄语成语为语料,俄语毕业论文,对“职业”不雅念停止剖析,归结和总结“职业”不雅念的特色和内容,并商量作用俄罗斯平易近族“职业”不雅念构成的社会汗青身分。本论文由序文、注释三章、停止语及参考文献六部门组成。序文部门重要论述了本论文的研究目标和义务、选题新意、实际与理论意义、研究办法、说话资料。第1章是本论文的实际部门,详实阐述了俄语不雅念“концепт”的界定,其类型及构造特色,并提出了本论文的研究办法--不雅念剖析法。第2章是本论文的重点和焦点部门。起首从词源的角度论述了“职业”不雅念的特点和内容,对表现“职业”不雅念内容的几个具有代表性的辞汇(профессия, труд,работа, дело等)停止辞书释义,归结出“职业”不雅念的重要特点。具体剖析了俄语成语中表现的“职业”不雅念,阐释了俄罗斯平易近族对“职业”的懂得。第3章从俄罗斯精力的角度商量了作用“职业”不雅念构成的平易近族文明身分:社会汗青身分、天然情况身分及宗教身分。最初是停止语部门,此处我们对上述研究剖析的成果停止了归纳综合和总结。


The object of the study is to express, preserve and pass on all kinds of culture. The concept of (a, e are from a kappa) is an important field to speak of civilization science, is the basic cell of civilization. The idea is that people's understanding of the cultural information of the cohesion, it shows that the contact between the words and civilization, with the effectiveness of the heritage of civilization. In today's world of speaking civilization, the analysis of the concept of reading has become an important way to analyze the inner of the civilization. The main part of the people's civilization, the performance of the people's unique energy and characteristics. The important research object of this thesis is the "occupation" of Russian idioms. "Career" is the research content of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, and thinkers. The Russian "occupation" concept and composition of Russia's history, geography and religion and identity, has a distinctive ethnic peculiarity. This article from the point of view of the language of civilization, the Russian idiom in the "occupation" of the analysis, which will help us to understand the expression of the people in the state of mind and civilization, so as to understand the world of the Russian people, life and value. This thesis is actually the basic idea of the speech civilization interpretation, through the process of analysis, to Russian idioms as corpus, to the "occupation" of the analysis, summed up and summarized "professional" and content, and to discuss the influence of the Russian national "occupation" of the social historical identity. This thesis is composed of six parts: the preface, the three chapter, the stop and the reference. In order to discuss the objectives and obligations of this thesis, the new ideas, the practical and theoretical significance, the research methods and the data of the research. The first chapter is the real sector of this paper, the concept of "definition of Russian society, these are a kappa e", its types and structural characteristics, and puts forward the research methods of this paper: concept analysis method. The second chapter is the focus of this thesis. First describes the "occupation" indecent content and features read from etymological perspective, the representative of the performance of "occupation" indecent content read several words (p c c c e Phi are up, and to me, P, O, C. P. C to e Le, etc.) stop dictionaries, summed up the important characteristics of "read indecent occupation". The specific analysis of the performance of the Russian idiom "professional" read, the interpretation of the Russian national minority on the "occupation" of the understanding. In the third chapter, from the perspective of Russian energy, the impact of the "occupation" is discussed in the view of the cultural identity of the "professional", the social history, the natural conditions and the religious identity. Initially is to stop the language department, here we analyze the results of the above analysis to stop the synthesis and summary.

