
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



The basic noun phrase is a kind of absolute and simple syntactic unit, which includes the absolute and complete semantic information, and it is widely used in sentence composition and occupy the main position. To complete the active identification and translation of the basic noun phrases in different words, may be able to provide a reference for understanding at a very large level. The recognition and translation of the basic noun phrases in the Russian language, such as cross language retrieval and translation of Russian and chinese. In this paper, the Russian language as a research object, learning and summarizing the characteristics of Russian speaking and grammar, based on the combination of rules and statistics method, completed the identification of Russian basic noun phrase, focusing on the value of the Russian corpus of the value of the performance of the initiative to build a CRF training data. Other, in the traditional statistical machine translation process, through the process of implied in the morphological changes of Russian speech characteristic of explicitly, completed the Russian basic noun phrase translation quality promotion. Complete system of the identification and translation of a Russian basic noun phrase. Important tasks include: first, based on the rules and statistics of the combination of thinking, the completion of the Russian basic noun phrase recognition. And for the present situation of the lack of Russian corpus and the value of the label, a method of constructing the corpus of training is presented. The origin based on the collection of Russian and Chinese Dictionary capital, obtained in the statistics of Russian basic noun phrase speech collocation Library under the guidance, take the initiative to build for CRF training corpus, and application practice model obtained in the form of Library Based on most of the eve of the forward mating principle of BaseNP candidate item label, the completion of the Russian BaseNP identification. Second, a translation method of the basic noun phrase based on the implicit knowledge is proposed. The so-called "hidden knowledge", is refers to the change of morphology implicit in the Russian word speech characteristic, such as part of speech, case, number and gender. These speech characteristics significantly the sideways in the corpus, then based in the characteristics of corpus translation, from large processing shape change rich Russian corpus data scarce achievements, and in a certain level improved word alignment results, ultimately, Jin l translation system of Russian basic noun phrase translation quality. This paper identifies the value of the identification method in the value of the basic recognition of the Russian language basic noun phrase recognition results F-measure is 84.14%. Explicit application of the characteristics of the translation of the translation methods on the Russian basic noun phrases BLEU value of 0.4257, compared with the traditional phrase based machine translation method to improve the eve of the 10 percentage points.

