
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Dialogue is the most fundamental application situation. It is worded and obedient people in a certain context in each other alternately discourse, comfort of discourse and response discourse direct verbal diplomacy movement. Dialogue with turn alternately, laxly constructed, topic often change, talk style each different, simplicity, the usual pleasantries, rich objective expression meaning and often used nonverbal diplomacy and other basic features. An important element to restrict the dialogue context and basic apperception in the dialogue with the main role. Based on the simplified and complex trend growth trend of Russian vernacular, semantic and syntactic structure of ellipsis is important manifestation of dialogue structure, connection structure, structure, structure and compensate for the repeated finger structure. In speak of reality in the process of applying, because situations or with the level of the request, subject in a sentence, the body or object can be in talk not to with the word or phrase in the forms out, but the potential exists in the semantic and syntactic structure of sentences. This is the omitted structure. Because there is no preparatory vernacular, people often take up the wording structure on the back of statements, indeed, explain the make up. This is the connection structure. This kind of statement and structure behind the syntactic and semantic is approached each other. From the semantic and syntactic structure, connection structure has explanation, make up, indeed, emphasize the effect. Repeated structure refers to some semantic repeated application before a consolation round has in turn in a hormone response. Make up the structure in Russian dialogue is important for semantic, the sentence semantic double completely. Make up the important structure for the main body, and make up the semantic meaning of the object and other Polish elements. The structure unlike other constructs that end is rich, rare in the Russian dialogue is refers to the semantic and syntactic structure of subject and object. Divided into tectonic features wording to the theme of a certain objects or scene with the first Gatti, then for the theme to make judge or presented the results. All of these has been constructed in the Russian dialogue, and dialogue in idioms is an example sentence. In Russian vernacular dialogue, idioms with rich meaning of objective constitutive expression.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   第1章 绪论   9-16       1.1 课题背景及理论与实际意义   9-10           1.1.1 本课题的学术背景   9           1.1.2 本课题的目的、理论与实际意义   9-10       1.2 文献综述   10-14           1.2.1 国外文献综述   10-11           1.2.2 国内文献综述   11-14       1.3 本文的主要探讨内容   14-16   第2章 对话及其制约因素   16-22       2.1 对话的定义   16       2.2 对话的基本特点   16-19       2.3 对话的制约因素   19-20           2.3.1 语境   19-20           2.3.2 统觉基础   20       2.4 本章小结   20-22   第3章 对话的语义句法结构略论   22-39       3.1 省略结构   23-26           3.1.1 省略结构的概念   23           3.1.2 省略结构的语义句法结构略论   23-26       3.2 接续结构   26-29           3.2.1 接续结构的概念   26-27           3.2.2 接续结构的语义句法结构略论   27-29       3.3 重复结构   29-32           3.3.1 重复结构的概念   29-30           3.3.2 重复结构的语义句法结构略论   30-32       3.4 补充结构   32-35           3.4.1 补充结构的概念   33           3.4.2 补充结构的语义句法结构略论   33-35       3.5 分指结构   35-36           3.5.1 分指结构的概念   35           3.5.2 分指结构语义句法结构略论   35-36       3.6 本章小结   36-39   第4章 对话中的成语化结构句   39-54       4.1 成语化结构句的概述   39-40       4.2 成语化结构句的结构特点和语义特点   40-41       4.3 带连接词的成语化结构句   41-42           4.3.1 模式:N1/как/N1   41-42           4.3.2 模式нетчтобы(нетбы) / Inf   42       4.4 带语气词的成语化结构句   42-46           4.4.1 模式вот/ (это) / N1/ (так)/ N1   42-43           4.4.2 模式нуи/ N1   43           4.4.3 Inf / так/ Inf   43-44           4.4.4 模式тожемне/ N1   44-45           4.4.5 模式малоликто( что, очем, скем, когда, где, из-зачего)   45-46       4.5 带感叹词的成语化结构句   46-47           4.5.1 模式айда/ N1   46           4.5.2 模式ох(ах) ужэтот/ N1   46-47       4.6 带代词性词的成语化结构句   47-50           4.6.1 模式всем/ Np1.3 / N1   47-48           4.6.2 模式чемне/N1   48-49           4.6.3 模式чтоза/ N1?   49-50       4.7 带前置词的成语化结构句   50-52           4.7.1 模式недо/ N2   50-51           4.7.2 模式N1 / нев/ N4   51-52       4.8 本章小结   52-54   结论   54-55   参考文献   55-58   例证来源   58-59   攻读学位期间的学术论文   59-61   致谢   61  
