
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-18



Plants, as one of the most important groups in the natural world, are closely related to human life. It is not only the origin of human food and clothing, have certain scientific research and indecent appreciation value, more important is through process of these plant habit and way of life, such as indecent examine and understand and plant human entrusts with peculiar cultural connotation and meaning, at this time they have been made from natural plant lead to the with human efficacy and symbolism of the plants, the humanities and plant. Through the process of the study of these plants, can be a very good understanding of the folk customs and civilization. And in Russian, idioms can be described as is talking in the essence of, is the plain near family intelligent crystallization, which contain plant names idioms occupy the very big proportion in the idiom corpus, these idioms is as speaking civilization subject of Russian national history in long-term growth process with invented, so through the process of this kind of idiom research, enable us to deeply understand the Russian people, life, value is not elegant, religious indecent and plain near family mind for us to better study and application of the Russian, better with the Russians exchange provides a valuable capital. The plant names sayings intended to send a stop to discuss, and as a key, difficulty of plant names idioms rhetoric civilization, historical origin and cultural connotation and the analysis and interpretation.


中文摘要   4   Резюме   5-8   绪论   8-13       一、国内外探讨近况   8-11       二、探讨范围与对象   11       三、探讨任务与主要解决的问题   11       四、探讨的目的与意义   11-12       五、语料来源   12-13   第一章 俄语熟语概述   13-22       第一节 熟语的概念及探讨范围   13-16           一、熟语的概念   13-14           二、熟语的探讨范围界定   14-16       第二节 俄语熟语的历史及主要发展阶段   16-18       第三节 熟语的典型特征和性质概要   18-21           一、熟语的典型特征   18-19           二、熟语性质的概要   19-21       本章小结   21-22   第二章 俄语动物名称熟语的语言特征   22-38       第一节 动物名称熟语的来源   22-26           一、固有动物名称熟语   22-24           二、外来动物名称熟语   24-26       第二节 动物名称熟语的句法结构   26-29           一、词组型动物名称熟语   26-28           二、句子型动物名称熟语   28-29       第三节 动物名称熟语的语义结构   29-36           一、动物名称熟语表事物性   29-31           二、动物名称熟语表过程性   31-33           三、动物名称熟语表指代性   33-34           四、动物名称熟语表状态   34-35           五、动物名称熟语表数量   35-36       本章小结   36-38   第三章 俄语动物名称熟语的文化特征   38-66       第一节 含“褒义”动物名称的熟语   38-46           一、含有“马”的熟语文化   38-41           二、含有“猫”的熟语文化   41-44           三、含有“熊”的熟语文化   44-46       第二节 含“贬义”动物名称的熟语   46-54           一、含有“兔子”的熟语文化   46-47           二、含有“乌鸦”的熟语文化   47-49           三、含有“布谷鸟”的熟语文化   49-50           四、含有“猪”的熟语文化   50-52           五、含有“羊”的熟语文化   52-54       第三节 含双重意义动物名称的熟语   54-64           一、含有“狗”的熟语文化   54-57           二、含有“狼”的熟语文化   57-59           三、含有“牛”的熟语文化   59-61           四、含有“鸡”的熟语文化   61-64       本章小结   64-66   结语   66-67   参考文献   67-71   致谢   71  
