摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 在对外汉语教授教养中,先生常常会涌现“据说读写脱节“的成绩。针对这个成绩,教员应从对外汉语教授教养低级阶段就开端对先生停止写作练习,从而防止先生“据说读写脱节”的景象。本文查询拜访了低级阶段俄罗斯和我国汉语写作的教授教养现状,和先生在写作中涌现的成绩,并剖析了成绩发生的缘由,从而提出一些改良的建议。笔者对中国和俄罗斯低级阶段的课程设置、教材教法、师资力气等方面停止了查询拜访,发明低级阶段写作面对的成绩:起首在课程设置上,低级阶段开设写作课的黉舍很少;其次师资力气的匮乏作用了写作教授教养的成长;再次针对低级阶段的写作教材异常少,最初剖析了先生在写作中存在的成绩。经由过程对先生的查询拜访,先生在低级阶段写作面对的重要成绩:一是汉字书写成绩,俄语论文题目,二是词语和句式的偏误成绩。并且先生写作偏误类型多样,教员难以对先生涌现的偏误成绩停止综合讲评。本文针对这些成绩提出了以下建议:进步教员综合本质,采用多种写作措施,低级阶段开设写作课对先生停止写作练习,运用盘算机写作下降先生写作的难度。对先生涌现的偏误停止体系总结,纵向上针对先生个体成绩,停止写作练习;横向上找出先生配合的偏误成绩,俄语毕业论文,对先生的偏误成绩停止详细讲授。 Abstract: In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, students often appear to be "read and write". In view of this, the teacher should start with the low level stage of Chinese teaching to students to stop writing practice, and thus to prevent Mr. "is said to read and write out of line". This paper inquires about the present situation of the teaching of Chinese writing in the junior stage, the Chinese writing, and the result of mr.. The author of the China and Russia at the lower stage of curriculum setting, teaching material and teaching method, teachers strength and so on to carry on the investigation, invention low-level problem facing the writing stages: first and foremost in the curriculum and the lower stage open writing course of high school or college they happen rarely; secondly teachers strength of scarcity affects the growth of writing teaching; again for the lower stage of writing textbooks is unusually low. Finally, an analysis of the MR in writing the results. Through the process of the teacher's inquiry, the teacher in the junior stage of writing in the face of important results: first, the Chinese character writing performance, the two is the word and sentence error. And Mr writing errors of various types, the emergence of the teacher difficult Mr bias issues of comprehensive evaluation. This paper puts forward the following suggestions: to improve teachers' comprehensive nature, the use of a variety of writing methods, the lower stage of writing a writing class to stop writing practice, the application of computer writing down the difficulty of writing. On the emergence of the error of the system to stop the system summary, vertical and individual results for the individual, to stop writing practice; to find out the side of the side of the error, the error performance of the students to stop the detailed teaching. 目录: 摘要 5-6 Abstract 6 第1章 绪论 9-13 1.1 探讨背景和意义 9 1.2 探讨综述 9-12 1.3 探讨措施及创新点 12 1.4 探讨思路及不足 12-13 第2章 我国初级汉语写作教学的近况 13-17 2.1 师资力量近况 13-14 2.2 教材使用近况 14 2.3 教学措施近况 14-15 2.4 课程设置近况 15-17 第3章 俄罗斯初级汉语写作教学的近况 17-21 3.1 师资力量近况 17-18 3.2 教材使用近况 18-19 3.3 教学措施近况 19-20 3.4 课程设置近况 20-21 第4章 俄罗斯留学生初级汉语写作调查与略论 21-24 4.1 学生现有水平 21-22 4.2 学生写作动机 22 4.3 学生写作近况 22-24 第5章 俄罗斯留学生初级汉语写作存在的问题及原因探寻 24-32 5.1 教师队伍的问题 24-25 5.2 教材教法的问题 25-26 5.3 课程设置问题 26-27 5.4 学生写作问题 27-29 5.5 写作问题的原因探寻 29-32 第6章 俄罗斯留学生初级汉语写作改进的对策 32-43 6.1 提高教师综合素质 32-33 6.2 采用多种写作方式 33-34 6.3 编写国别化教材 34 6.4 初级阶段开设写作课 34-36 6.5 针对学生写作问题的对策 36-43 结语 43-44 参考文献 44-47 附录 47-57 致谢 57 |