
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The cost of the domestic division of reinforced soil construction, is the inevitable choice of Chinese international spread implementation of career growth. Chinese teachers cost soil not only to deal with the internationalization of the Chinese language spread of teachers lack of results also helped to complete the country specific Chinese teaching, is the international promotion of Chinese that can develop continuously is an important guarantee. On the status of indigenous nations teachers of Chinese, there is still a lack of system does the data and materials for research to discuss, coherent research are concentrated in Southeast Asia and so on infinite region, also does not have the universal international representative. In order to further improve the training of indigenous teachers so that they display their advantage when the hero language spread of the eve of the make, it is necessary to further the understanding of the nations existing indigenous Chinese teacher status. Through the process of Russia's 12 universities in 68 local Chinese teacher stopped the questionnaire survey, visit, mail interview, telephone interview, obtain a local Chinese language teacher background information; Chinese teaching situation of the place of school; Chinese textbook application; teaching situation of teachers of the ego; five the training needs of the real survey data, the use of the number of disposal, clustering analysis, summed up the current way down the Russian local Chinese teachers and the status of the existing achievements, and in the light of the existing results gives three suggestions (1) local Chinese teacher training can use country specific grade form; (2) the Kong Zi Institute shall pass the local Chinese teachers become foster positions; (3) China university should assist Russia in setting up Chinese teaching, the teacher evaluation system as soon as possible.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   1. 绪论   7-18       1.1 选题背景   7-8       1.2 探讨意义和目的   8-9       1.3 前期海外汉语教育与教师探讨综述   9-12       1.4 俄罗斯汉语教学的发展历史   12-15           1.4.1 俄罗斯汉学的起源和发展历史   12-13           1.4.2 俄罗斯汉语的近况   13           1.4.3 俄罗斯主要的汉学学派及探讨中心   13-15       1.5 俄罗斯现行教育体制   15-16       1.6 探讨措施选择   16-18   2. 俄罗斯高校本土汉语师资近况调查   18-37       2.1 师资抽样调查设计说明   18-20           2.1.1 调查目的   18           2.1.2 调查对象   18-19           2.1.3 调查方式   19           2.1.4 调查时间   19           2.1.5 调查题型   19-20           2.1.6 调查内容   20           2.1.7 数据整理   20       2.2 本土汉语教师个人基本信息的说明和概述   20-24           2.2.1 性别和年龄构成及特点   20-21           2.2.2 教师最高学历构成及特点   21-22           2.2.3 汉语教师自身所学专业的构成及特点   22           2.2.4 汉语教师自身的语言学习能力   22           2.2.5 目前的工作性质   22           2.2.6 汉语教师的择业观和对汉语教学的工作态度   22-23           2.2.7 再就业选择   23           2.2.8 小结   23-24       2.3 俄罗斯高校开设汉语专业的统计概述   24-27           2.3.1 高校性质类型   24           2.3.2 俄罗斯高校学校汉语的人数统计   24           2.3.3 汉语课程的具体科目   24-25           2.3.4 学校俄中两籍汉语教师数量对比   25           2.3.5 学校对汉语课程的重视程度   25-26           2.3.6 其他外语语种的情况   26           2.3.7 小结:汉语发展的大环境对本土汉语教师的作用   26-27       2.4 教师与教材问题略论   27-28           2.4.1 教师对教材的选择   27           2.4.2 教师对教学辅导用书的使用   27-28           2.4.3 小结:汉语教材对本土汉语师资质量的作用略论   28       2.5 本土汉语教师的教学情况调查和略论   28-34           2.5.1 任课科目   29           2.5.2 教师的课时量   29           2.5.3 教学计划和教案   29-30           2.5.4 每周备课时间   30           2.5.5 教学技能的展现   30-31           2.5.6 教师对教学难点、擅长科目的认识   31-32           2.5.7 汉语教师教学任务   32           2.5.8 对目前汉语课程设置的满意度   32-33           2.5.9 小结:微观教学环境对师资质量的作用   33-34       2.6 师资培训的调查略论   34-37           2.6.1 是否需要参加汉语教学的相关培训   34-35           2.6.2 参加培训的具体情况   35           2.6.3 对以往参加培训的满意度   35           2.6.4 对培训内容和类型的需求   35-36           2.6.5 小结:培训对师资的作用   36-37   3. 探讨总结与建议   37-46       3.1 调查总结   37-38       3.2 针对调查结论的建议   38-44           3.2.1 本土汉语教师培训的国别化等级模式   38-41           3.2.2 各国孔子学院要成为培养合格本土汉语师资的阵地   41-43           3.2.3 中国高校应协助俄罗斯高校尽快建立起汉语教学、教师评估体系   43-44       3.3 探讨的局限   44-45       3.4 后续探讨的建议   45-46   附录   46-58       附录一   46-50       附录二   50-58   参考文献   58-60   在读期间的论文   60-61   后记   61-62  
