
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In the moral education research, research on the character of speaking is a very new topic. This paper through the process of "moral talk on moral education value and application of" preliminary research to cause academia research on moral language value, enhance instructor enhanced character speaking practice teaching, strengthen the application character to speak to, progress and effectiveness of me the quintessence of school moral education. Moral talk is not only a kind of language forms, it also has to find the main value of moral education. Through the research, the author thinks that character to speak the value of performance in the following aspects: shaping all moral culture and education situation; strengthen moral sensibility; patronage to stop values clarification and make people receive moral exhortation. Special character metaphors to speak, it has peculiar value aroused enthusiasm and moral education. The value of the display should also speak morality in moral education to be applied to the. This paper discusses moral talk value basically, according to moral development of heteronomy and self-discipline, freedom three stages proposed should be absolutely "moral exhortation" and "moral dialogue" and "moral monologue" three character language forms, and puts forward several suggestions for the basic principles in the process of applying should keep to speak in the moral, and moral education teachers strengthen moral education to speak. This paper includes the following four parts: the first part: the overview of moral. The definition of moral character includes talk talk; structure; classification talk sense to speak of the moral character. The second sector: discuss the value of moral education and moral. Contains: talk to moral moral civilization of moral value; speak in moral education process value; moral character and moral value logic speak; metaphorical features and the value of moral education and moral. The third sector: application of moral speak in moral education. Contains: an important method of moral talk application; moral talk the growth stage of the application in the application of the criterion of moral character differences; to speak. The fourth sector: strengthening the education of teachers of moral education. Including: the connotation of moral education; actual promotion degree; in reality to exercise.


内容摘要   4-6   Abstract   6-7   引言   10-12   一、道德语言概述   12-18       (一) 道德语言的界定   12       (二) 道德语言的结构   12-13       (三) 道德语言的分类   13-14       (四) 道德语言的意义   14-18           1. 描述意义   14-15           2. 情感意义   15-16           3. 评价意义   16-17           4. 规范意义   17-18   二、道德语言的德育价值   18-30       (一) 道德语言之于德育文化环境的价值   18-20       (二) 道德语言之于德育过程的价值   20-22           1. 增强人的道德敏感力   20-21           2. 帮助人们进行价值澄清   21           3. 帮助人们接受道德劝服   21-22       (三) 道德语言的逻辑性质及其德育价值   22-24           1. "规约性"及其德育价值   22-23           2. "可普遍性"及其德育价值   23-24       (四) 道德语言的隐喻特性及其德育价值   24-30           1. 隐喻的概念及其本质   24-25           2. 隐喻的教育学意义   25-26           3. 隐喻的德育价值   26-30   三、道德语言在德育中的应用   30-36       (一) 道德语言应用的主要方式   30-31           1. 道德劝勉   30           2. 道德对话   30-31           3. 道德独语   31       (二) 道德语言在不同道德发展阶段的应用   31-33           1. 他律阶段:道德劝勉   31-32           2. 自律阶段:道德对话   32           3. 自由阶段:道德独语   32-33       (三) 道德语言的应用准则   33-36           1. 主体准则   33-34           2. 文本准则   34           3. 情境准则   34           4. 逻辑准则   34-36   四、加强德育教师的道德语言修养   36-39       (一) 语言修养重在内心的修炼   36-38           1. 表达"爱"与"善"的语言   36-37           2. 丰富的人格和开放的心态   37-38       (二) 语言修养需要提升理论水平   38       (三) 语言修养更需在实践中锤炼   38-39   结语   39-41   参考文献   41-43   致谢   43  
