(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 2017上海世博会以“城市,德语论文范文,让生涯更美妙”(BetterCity,BetterLife)为主题,总投资达459亿国民币,发明了世界展览会史上最年夜范围记载,共有190个国度、56个国际组织参展,观赏人次累计高达7300多万,给主办方和参展方都带来了弗成估量的精力和物资效应。个中德国馆以其严正的参展立场、丰硕而高质量的展览内容、重视细节的严谨和人道化的设计锋芒毕露,在全部世博会举行时代都居于热点场馆之列。不管是在中国境内照样德国外乡,不管是陌头热议照样媒体报导的措施,德国馆都吸引了浩瀚的眼光。本文详实的引见剖析了上海世博会上德国馆的参展情形、主题思惟、展览内容等各个方面,全方位的解析了德国馆胜利的缘由,并借助浩瀚的主流媒体报导和言论评价剖析了德国馆激发的文明效应和能否杀青向世界特别向宽大中国旅客展现了一个极新的德国新抽象的目标。最初得出结论,固然现今世界互联网信息技巧蓬勃,然则一届胜利的世博会能增进人与人之间面临面的交换,让旅客能近间隔感触感染到远在千里以外的异域文明和汗青和其它国度和地域的获得的迷信技巧造诣,扈从媒体、收集、书天性直接获知比拟照样具有其深远的意义。特别跟其它蓬勃国度比拟,以汉诺威世博会为例,上海世博会做为第一次在成长中国度举行的年夜型世博会,其独到的意义还在于向世界展现中国的突起和实例,而且“世博交际”还加深了中国和各个国度,德语论文范文,也包含中国和德国在内的各方面范畴的来往和协作。而德国馆在上海世博会上的尽力和造诣也是有目共睹,在中国媒体的多方报导中都不好看出,德国馆在宽大中国旅客中都获得了积极的评价,可谓胜利竖立了本身的国度新抽象。 Abstract: World Expo 2017 Shanghai China will to "city, make life more beautiful" (BetterCity better as the theme, the total investment reached 459 billion RMB, invented the World Expo in the history of the largest recorded, a total of 190 countries and 56 international organizations exhibitors, ornamental high total up to more than 7300, organizers and exhibitors to bring the Eph into a measure of energy and material effects people. Sino German Pavilion in the solemn exhibition stand, rich and high quality of the contents of the exhibition, pay attention to the details of the rigorous and humane design hard edged, in all the World Expo will hold times are living in hot venues. Whether it is in China still German abroad, regardless of is the streets hot still media report the method, Germany Pavilion attracted vast vision. This paper detailed describes and analyzes the Shanghai World Expo Germany Pavilion's exhibition situation, theme ideas, the contents of the exhibition, all aspects and a full range of analysis of the reason of German victory in the museum. And with the help of the vastness of the mainstream media reports and comments analysis stimulate the German Museum of civilization effect and can wrap to the world special large Chinese travelers to show a new German abstract goal. Initially concluded that course, the present world Internet information technology vigorous, however a successful Expo will can increase between people face-to-face exchange, so that passengers can nearly interval feeling infection to thousands of miles outside the exotic culture, and history and other countries and regions obtained science and technology attainments, squire media, collection, Book Nature learned directly compare still has its profound significance. Especially with the other developed countries compared to Hanover Expo will, for example, the Shanghai World Expo will do for the first time in the development of China held large Expo will, its original meaning is to show the world China's processes and examples and Expo communication also deepen the China and various countries, including China and Germany, the category of exchanges and cooperation. And German Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo will try to and accomplishments are obvious to all, in many reports in the Chinese media do not see that the, German Pavilion in the large Chinese travelers won the positive evaluation, can be described as victory erected their country of the new abstraction. 目录: Danksagung 4-5 Inhaltsangabe 5-8 1. Einleitung 8-13 1.1 Thematische Relevanz 8-9 1.2 Forschungsstand 9-11 1.3 Forschungsmethoden und theoretische Grundlagen 11-13 2. Das alte Deutschlandbild in China 13-18 2.1 Die Wichtigkeit der Gestaltung des Staatsbildes und die Schwierigkeit der überwindung der Stereotype 13-14 2.2 Das alte Gesamtdeutschlandbild in China 14-18 3. Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der Weltausstellungen 18-29 3.1 Die Bedeutung und die Medienwertung der Weltausstellung Hannover 2000 18-21 3.2 Die Bedeutung der Weltausstellung Shanghai 2017 21-29 3.2.1 Die gr te Expo aller Zeiten 21-23 3.2.2 Aufstieg Chinas demonstrieren und neues Staatsbild von allen L ndern zeigen 23-26 3.2.3 Vertiefung der bilaterialen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und China 26-29 4. Bemühungen von Deutschland um die Expo Shanghai 29-46 4.1 Das Konzept und der Inhalt vom deutschen Pavillon 29-37 4.2 Besonderheiten am deutschen Pavillon 37-39 4.3 Typische deutsche Spezialit ten und Delikatessen aus Deutschland 39-42 4.4 St dtepavillons und andere Pr sentation von Deutschland bei der Expo Shanghai 42-46 5. Das neue Deutschlandbild, das Deutschland durch die Expo Shanghai vermitteln wollte 46-56 5.1 Reiseziel mit zahlreichen Sehenswürdigkeiten 46-48 5.2 Innovation, Hochtechnologien und nachhaltige Entwicklung 48-53 5.3 Vielf ltige Kulturen 53-56 6. Feedback von der chinesischen Seite 56-61 6.1 Positive Bewertung von sowohl der offiziellen Seite als auch normalen Besuchern 56-57 6.2 Humor anstatt Ernst 57-59 6.3 Lange Wartezeit 59-61 7. Schlusswort 61-65 Literaturverzeichnis 65-67 Zeitungen und Zeitschriften in Deutschland 67-68 Andere Materilien 68-69 |