
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Peer to peer power in Germany is a fundamental power of people, but also a direct and useful judicial standard, which can be bound by legislation, administration and justice. The right of equality in Germany is a kind of defense right, whose important aim is to resist the damage of the national public power and the right of people to look upon. Also equivalent in Germany still a claim and right of intervention, people based on it can equivalence by country welfare payment request, and peer-to-peer application of the public facilities, peer intervention public movement. In the last 50 years of the last century, the focus of the meaning of the theory of the constitution of Germany in the sense of equality has changed from the judicial practical equivalence to the formulation of judicial equality. In the 1980s, the German equivalent right to send righteousness experience the from any formula to meet the growing process of proportion principle, however the two formulas still co-exist with in Germany equivalence in constitutional theory, and still exert important effect. German constitution appeals rail system is really finished equal rights of people supply the solid rail system to ensure that only people thought the equal fundamental rights was the damage of public right, through exhaustion of ordinary judicial opportunities still don't have access to the rescue, can be directly to the Federal Constitutional Court filed a reciprocal rights of constitution petition. According to the constitution petition right of damage equivalence court, judicial standards, legislation is not as filed. Standard content of Germany's right to equality in continuous gengxu constitutional theory obtained the affirmation, however this kind of affirmation is absolute. In addition, the German equivalent of the constitutional theory, the real right of the right to live together, so that it has a real life.


中文提要   4-5   Abstract   5   引言   8-9   一、德国平等权的内涵   9-22       (一) 平等的基本含义和开放性   9-11       (二) 从恣意禁止到合乎比例的平等   11-16           1、恣意公式(Willkürformel)   11           2、合乎比例性的平等   11-14           3、恣意禁止与合乎比例性准则之关系   14-16       (三) 平等权作为基本权利   16-20           1、防卫权(Abwehrrecht)   16-18           2、参与权和请求给付权(Ansprüche auf Teilhabe und Leistung)   18           3、机会平等的请求(Ansprüche auf Chancengleichheit)   18-20               3.1 考试法上的机会平等   19               3.2 政党的机会平等   19               3.3 选举权的机会平等   19-20       (四) 客观法的保护功能   20       (五) 平等权的享有主体   20-22           1、自然人   20-21           2、私法上的法人   21-22   二、德国平等权的宪法诉愿   22-31       (一) 平等权宪法诉愿的先决问题   22           1、平等权宪法诉愿的法学依据   22           2、平等权宪法诉愿的启动前提   22       (二) 平等权宪法诉愿的要件   22-30           1、适格的申请者   22-23           2、诉愿的标的   23           3、诉愿请求   23-30               3.1 平等权的侵害   24-25               3.2 诉愿中的侵害   25-30       (三) 诉愿的期限   30-31   三、德国平等权宪法裁判的效力   31-35       (一) 法学效力   31-32       (二) 拘束效力   32-34       (三) 判决理由的效力   34-35   四、德国平等权关于立法的拘束   35-40       (一) 平等权拘束立法的法学依据   35-36       (二) 宪法实践中平等权对立法的拘束   36-38       (三) 违宪的立法不作为   38-40   五、德国平等权关于司法的拘束   40-45       (一) 法学适用的平等和恣意禁止   40-41           1、法学适用平等的命令   40           2、关于基本价值判断的尊重   40-41           3、诉讼法中的平等   41       (二) 宪法法院关于司法的监督   41-45           1、对于侵害平等权利的审查   41-42           2、“恣意禁止”的特别违反   42-43           3、法院关于单行法的不同解释   43-44           4、法学发展和法学续造   44-45   结论   45-46   参考文献   46-47   后记   47-48  
