(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 在德国汗青上,犹太人外迁由来已久。纳粹下台前,德国犹太人外迁的范围比拟小,年夜范围的外迁始于纳粹党的下台。犹太人外迁的缘由是多方面的,依据莱文斯坦的“推拉形式”,德国犹太人外迁的动力来自德国国际纳粹反犹活动形成的让犹太人梗塞的生计情况和迁入国的吸引力。个中,前者是作用犹太人外迁的重要身分。纳粹时代,德国犹太人的外迁与纳粹政府的反犹、迫犹政策之间有着亲密的接洽。纳粹晚期,犹太人外迁的数目不是许多,乃至涌现回迁景象。涌现这类景象的缘由重要有犹太人浓重的德意志情感、拮据的经济状态、本国的限制及纳粹政府不持续、不明白的反犹政策。纳粹政府反犹政策的目的就是“消除”德国境内的犹太人,然则晚期犹太人的外迁范围并没有到达纳粹当权者的预期目的。因而,纳粹当权者又进级反犹政策。“水晶之夜”后,外迁人数剧增。二战迸发后,归入帝国境内的犹太人人数增长,德语毕业论文,迁徙已不克不及处理国际的犹太人成绩,德语论文,因而“种族灭尽”提上日程。纳粹统治者猖狂的迫犹就是为了强制犹太人自愿外迁,消除德国境内的犹太人,以纯粹雅利安人。但纳粹统治者的反犹政策和他们的目的之间存在着弗成折衷的抵触,这一抵触作用了犹太人的外迁。 Abstract: The history of the Jews in Germany, long-standing relocation. The Nazis before stepping down, the scope of the relocation of the Jews in Germany is relatively small, large-scale relocation of the Nazi party began to step down. Jewish emigration from the reason is in many aspects, based on Levenshtein's "push and pull" form, the power of the Jewish emigration from Germany from International German Nazi anti Semitic activities formed for Jewish infarction of the living conditions and the country of Immigration Appeal. Among them, the former is an important area of Jewish identity. The Nazi era, between Germany and the relocation of the Nazi government Jewish anti Semitism, forced Jewish policy have close contact. The number of the relocation of the Nazi period, Jews are not many, and even the emergence of sight movements. The reasons for the emergence of this kind of scene are the strong feelings of the Jews, the economic status of the poor, the restrictions of the country and the Nazi government does not continue, do not understand the anti Jewish policy. Nazi anti Semitic policy objective is "to eliminate" Jews in Germany. However late Jewish emigration did not reach the Nazi regime for the intended purpose. As a result, the Nazi authorities have entered into the anti. "Reichskristallnacht" after the relocation, the rapid increase of the number of. After the outbreak of World War II, the number of Jews in the territory of the empire grew, the migration has been unable to deal with international Jewish achievements, and thus the race to put on the agenda. Nazi ruler rampant forced Judah is to forced the Jews to the voluntary relocation, the elimination of the Jews in Germany, with pure Aryan. But ruler of the Nazi anti Semitic policies and their objective exists between Eph into compromise of the conflict, the conflict affected the relocation of the Jews. 目录: 内容摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 前言 7-14 (一) 选题意义 7 (二) 国内外探讨近况 7-12 (三) 概念、措施、重难点与创新点 12-13 (四) 文章结构 13-14 一、 纳粹上台前德国犹太人外迁简述 14-17 二、 纳粹早期犹太人外迁的动因 17-23 三、 纳粹早期的犹太人外迁 23-37 (一) 犹太人的反应 23-25 (二) 犹太人的外迁状况 25-37 四、 二战期间德国犹太人的外迁 37-43 (一) 二战爆发后德国对犹太人的政策 37-40 (二) 二战期间德国犹太人的外迁 40-43 五、 纳粹德国犹太人外迁的作用 43-48 (一) 对犹太人的作用 43-44 (二) 对德国的作用 44-45 (三) 对移入国的作用 45-48 参考文献 48-53 后记 53 |