
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Germany said the new doctrine is in the 1980s with the extraordinary influence the painting, the art thoughts are all the rage, living to display their side played an important role in the world history of ancient art. It conveys the idea of the new concept is a practical criticism and the artist on the actual thinking, and the situation of painting to resist the emergence of international art trends in the doldrums, to revive the position of the ancient art of germany. In the history of painting art, the picture texture as one of the main words of the expression of the frame painting, has experienced a long process of growth and evolution, and by the differences of the time, the influence of civilization and aesthetic request. Artists through the pen movement so that the screen texture consequences, including the pigment, paint brush, painting materials and so on material characteristics, and to integrate the artist's emotion, intelligence and aesthetic, but also arouse the indecent with artists who thought the consensus. The Germany new said the doctrine of painting texture as the carrier, is discussed in terms of the composition of the texture elements, evolution, situation and characteristics, aesthetic psychology and emotional expression through the analysis, discuss the painting works of the texture elements diversity, decoration and said. In the development of the ancient civilizations, the application of painting texture to speak, creation and materials has gained a great expansion of space, through the process of Germany's new representation of the evolution of the painting texture, visual aesthetic and theoretical experience, we reflect on the actual significance of painting and the progress of the artist's creative ability has a very important practical and practical significance.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   第一章 绪论   8-11       1.1 课题探讨的目的与意义   8-9       1.2 课题探讨的思路   9       1.3 课题探讨的主要内容   9-11   第二章 德国新表现主义中纯粹肌理的双重痕迹   11-23       2.1 肌理的表欲--解构德国新表现主义绘画中的肌理元素   12-18           2.1.1 肌理的出现及演变   12-15           2.1.2 肌理的多样性与抽象性   15-17           2.1.3 肌理的平面化与装饰性   17-18           2.1.4 肌理的视觉与触觉   18       2.2 肌理的表达--表现主义绘画人文精髓的传承   18-22           2.2.1 承载人文精神和内涵的物质依托   19-21           2.2.2 废墟中的人文主义救赎   21-22       2.3 本章小结   22-23   第三章 循迹与发掘--解读德国新表现主义绘画中肌理的表现性   23-27       3.1 情感支配下的形式美感   23-24       3.2 直觉感受上的材料美感   24-25       3.3 精神世界中的复合肌理   25-26       3.4 本章小结   26-27   第四章 传承与发展--肌理在表现主义绘画中的现实意义   27-29       4.1 肌理的寄情于物、意寓于象   27       4.2 肌理的表现性关于当代绘画的审美启示   27-28       4.3 本章小结   28-29   第五章 结语   29-30   注释   30-31   参考文献   31-32   后记   32-33   攻读学位期间论文及科研情况   33  
