
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

暗斗后,面对着经济全球化成长、生齿老龄化、休息力市场远景堪忧、社会保证负效应凸显、平易近主社会主义面临着经济危机和阑珊的挑衅、政治力气比较的更改冲击和摇动平易近主社会主义的政治位置等严重威逼着德国社会保证轨制和德国社会平易近主党的成绩的德国社会平易近主党对该党原本的社会保证政策停止了调剂。德国社会平易近主党经由1992一1993 年的商量和争辩,在社会保证政策的将来成长偏向上杀青了共鸣。基于这一共鸣,德国社会平易近主党制订了以增长当局开支来进步社会福利保证的社会保证政策,并于1994 年德国年夜选中提出了保留现有的社会保证系统,德语毕业论文,不增添社会福利的社会保证政策。以后,德语论文范文,德国社会平易近主党对其社会保证政策停止了调剂,于1997 年岁尾提出了暗斗后的德国社会平易近主党将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的社会保证政策的改造政策的框架。以后,德国社会平易近主党在其竞选纲要中提出了该党的针对1998 年德国年夜选的将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的社会保证政策的改造政策。这标记着暗斗后的德国社会平易近主党的将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的增添社会福利的社会保证政策的改造政策的根本构成。以后,德国社会平易近主党与德国绿党配合签订了名为《起航与改革—德国迈向21 世纪之路》的组阁协定。该协定对德国红绿当局的将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的社会保证政策的改造政策划定了框架准绳。这一协定的签订标记着暗斗后德国社会平易近主党的将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的社会保证政策的改造政策进入到了一个新的阶段—成长阶段。德国红绿当局下台在朝后不久,就削减了当局的社会保险开支并下降了养老金缴费率。另外,红绿当局还提出了其将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的增添社会福利的医疗保证政策。上述政策提出后不久,德国红绿当局推出了其将德国当局累赘和雇主累赘无前提转嫁到德公民众身上的增添


After the cold war, facing the economic globalization grows, the aging of the population, the rest of the power market outlook is worrying, the social security highlights the negative effect, democratic socialism facing economic crisis and recession provocation, political strength compared to the change impact and shake the democratic socialist political position of serious bullying a German Social security rail system and the German social democracy nearly the master of the party's achievement of German social democracy in Democratic Party of the party had social guarantee policy adjustment. German social democracy nearly main party through 1992 and 1993 to discuss and debate, in the social guarantee policy future growth bias on fixing the resonance. Based on the resonance, German social democracy nearly main party formulated to increase government spending to improve social welfare guarantee social guarantee policy, and in 1994 in a German University selected the retained the existing social security system, not to add to the social welfare of the social security policy. After the German Social Democratic Party of the social guarantee policy adjustment, in 1997 years end the infighting after the German Social Democratic Party will be German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public social security policy transformation of the policy framework. , the German Social Democratic Party in his campaign in the outline of the proposed the Party of the German University, 1998, the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public social security policy reform policy. This marks the infighting after the German Social Democratic Party of the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public add social welfare social guarantee constitute the fundamental policy of the reform policy. Later, German Social Democratic Party and the German greens with signed a name for the sail and reform, a German road towards the 21st century "coalition agreement. The agreement of German red green government the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public social security policy transformation of government planning framework of principles. The agreement signed marked infighting Germany Social Democratic Party of the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public social guarantee policy reform policy into a new stage of growth stage. The German authorities in red down shortly after the authorities cut social insurance expenses and pension payment rate dropped. Also red and green authorities also present the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public add social welfare medical assurance policy. Put forward the policy soon after, German red green government launched the German authorities burdensome and employer liability without premise passed on to the German public add

