
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-06
【摘要】:无论是在古代还是现代,无论是在东方还是西方,饮食,作为人类生存的必 要前提,在人类社会发展和文明进步中起着无可替代的影响。然而,人类的饮食 或饮食习惯各不相同。正如英语谚语所说,“某人之佳肴即他人之毒药”。美国著 名人类学家克拉孔在其《什么是文化》一文中指出,“一个人的饮食当然要受到 其获得食物种类的限制,但同时也要受到文化的制约”。由此可见,饮食与文化 密不可分。不同的民族缔造了不同的饮食文化。只有在各自的文化中,人们才能 更好地理解其饮食内容和饮食习惯。 中国与英美等西方国家对饮食的观点和态度、饮食内容和饮食特点等方面都 存在着显著的异同。本文以“文化深层结构”和“文化相对论”为理论基础,着 重研讨、略论中国与英美等西方国家在饮食观念、宴会礼仪、饮食内容等方面的 跨文化异同,揭示导致饮食文化异同的深层次原因,从而阐明随着跨文化交际的 不断发展,中西饮食文化的交流、互补和兼容的因素也会日益增多。 由于知识及资料的局限,本文所研讨的饮食文化仅是中西饮食文化内容中很 小的一部分,且局限在英美国家和中国汉族,有关中西饮食文化所涉及的更广领 域尚有待进一步探讨和探究。

【关键词】:中西饮食文化 异同 跨文化交际




Chapter One Introduction8-12

1.1 Research objective8-9

1.2 Significance of the research9-10

1.3 Methodology10

1.4 General organization10-12

Chapter Two Theoretical Foundations12-22

2.1 Understanding cultures12-14

2.1.1 Defining culture12-13

2.1.2 Classifying culture13-14

2.2 Confining food culture14-15

2.2.1 Chinese food culture15

2.2.2 Western food culture15

2.3 Cross-cultural communication perspective15-19

2.3.1 Intercultural communication and cross-cultural communication15-16

2.3.2 The deep structure of culture16-17

2.3.3 Cultural relativism17-19

2.4 Related researches19-22

2.4.1 Researches done by foreign scholars19-20

2.4.2 Researches done by Chinese scholars20-22

Chapter Three Differences on Concepts in Chinese & Western Food Cultures22-37

3.1 Pan-foodism vs. pragmatism22-28

3.1.1 Belief systems in cross-cultural communication22-23

3.1.2 Pan-foodism in Chinese food culture23-25

3.1.3 Pragmatism in Western food culture25-28

3.2 Ostentation and extravagance vs. simplicity and casualness28-33

3.2.1 Two cases of banquet28-29

3.2.2 Ostentation and extravagance in Chinese food culture29-31

3.2.3 Simplicity and casualness in Western food culture31-33

3.3 Collectivism vs. individualism33-37

3.3.1 Value systems in cross-cultural communication33-34

3.3.2 Collectivism in Chinese food culture34-35

3.3.3 Individualism in Western food culture35-37

Chapter Four Differences on Etiquette in Chinese & Western Food Cultures37-47

4.1 Different tableware: chopsticks vs. fork and knife37-40

4.1.1 The relationship between man and nature37-38

4.1.2 Chopsticks in Chinese food culture38-39

4.1.3 Fork and knife in Western food culture39-40

4.2 Different time orientation: lateness vs. punctuality40-43

4.2.1 "M-time" and "P-time"40-41

4.2.2 Lateness in Chinese food culture41-42

4.2.3 Punctuality in Western food culture42-43

4.3 Different seating arrangement43-47

4.3.1 Place speaks43

4.3.2 South and north vs. right and left43-45

4.3.3 Men first vs. Ladies first45-47

Chapter Five Differences on Contents in Chinese & Western Food Cultures47-54

5.1 Exquisiteness and taste vs. nutrition and balance47-51

5.1.1 Exquisiteness and taste in Chinese food47-49

5.1.2 Nutrition and balance in Western food49-51

5.2 Different cuisine naming51-54

5.2.1 Cuisine naming in China51-52

5.2.2 Cuisine naming in Western countries52-54

Chapter Six Conclusion54-58

6.1 Conclusion of the research54-55

6.2 Suggestions on how to improve cross-cultural awareness55-57

6.3 Limitations of the research57-58
