
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-06

【关键词】:语言 思维 思维模式 中国思维模式 西方思维模式



Chapter 1 Introduction7-10

Chapter 2 Language and thought10-32

2.1 Thought10-14

2.1.1 the term of thought10

2.1.2 Classification of thought10-14

2.2 Relationship between language and thought14-32

2.2.1 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis14-16

2.2.2 Refute linguistic strong determinism and linguistic relativity of Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis16-25

2.2.3 Relationship between language and thought25-32

Chapter 3 A general survey of Chinese and Occidental thought patterns32-57

3.1 Thought pattern32-34

3.1.1 Definition of 'thought pattern'32-33

3.1.2 National characteristic of 'thought pattern'33-34

3.2 Ageneral survey of Chinese and Occidental thought patterns34-57

3.2.1 synthesis thinking and analysis thinking34-40

3.2.2 Thinking in images and abstract thinking40-45

3.2.3 Circular thinking and linear thinking45-52

3.2.4 Subjective thinking and objective thinking52-57

Chapter 4 Linguistic phenomena influenced by Chinese and Occidental thought patterns57-96

4.1 Linguistic phenomena influenced by synthesis thinking and analysis thinking59-74

4.1.1 Difference of linguistic expressions of locative relationship in Chinese and English59-64

4.1.2 Parataxis and hypotaxis64-74

4.2 Linguistic phenomena influenced by thinking-in-images and abstract or logical thinking74-80

4.2.1 Chinese is apicturesque language74-77

4.2.2 English is an abstract language77-80

4.3 Linguistic phenomena influenced by Circular thinking and linear thinking80-87

4.3.1 Chinese discourse structure80-83

4.3.2 English discourse structure83-87

4.4 Linguistic phenomena influenced by subjective thinking and objective thinking87-96

4.4.1 Subject can be omitted in Chinese87-92

4.4.2 Subject cannot be omitted in English92-96

Chapter 5 Translation in thinking differences96-108

5.1 Translation in synthesis and analysis thinking:readjust sentence length96-99

5.2 Translation in thinking-in-image and abstract thinking:conversion between emptiness and actuality99-102

5.3 Translation in circular and linear thinking:readjust sentence focus102-105

5.4 Translation in subjective and objective thinking:change sentence perspective105-108

Chapter 6 Conclusion108-111


