
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

外语学习中的语言迁移问题探讨一以L3西班牙语动作动词对L2英语路径小品词的侧向迁移为例The study of language transfer in multi language learning: a case study of the lateral migration of the L2 English path sketch words in L3 Spanish action verbs


说话迁徙成绩一向以来就是外语教授教养进程中备受存眷的话题之一。跟着列国家、各地域之间人们的来往日趋频仍,进修和运用多外语的景象更加罕见。在教授教养理论和实际研究中,学者们逐步认识到三语习得因其机制的庞杂性而应自力于二语习得并获得足够的看重。与此同时,代表着说话迁徙研究最新成长偏向的概念迁徙实际以其奇特的视角为从深条理说明说话迁徙景象供给了实际支持。但是,基于后人研究,作者发明国际三语习得研究结果在所触及的说话组合、迁徙偏向息争释机制等方面上存在必定的局限。因此,本为以中国高校西语专业先生为研究对象,西语论文网站,试图考核西语(L3)举措动词的进修对英语(L2)途径小品词(in, out,up, down)的习得能够发生的侧向迁徙,并用概念迁徙来说明试验成果。本文试图答复以下研究成绩:1、西班牙语举措动词的习得能否会对英语四个途径小品词的全体习得带来明显的侧向迁徙?2、西班牙语举措动词的习得能否会对英语四个途径小品词(不管是分离评论辩论照样作为全体)的辨认和断定带来明显的侧向迁徙?3、西班牙语举措动词的习得能否会对英语四个途径小品词(不管是分离评论辩论照样作为全体)的懂得带来明显的侧向迁徙?4、西班牙语举措动词的习得能否会对英语四个途径小品词的全体运用带来明显的侧向迁徙?本文猜测,有西语配景的试验组被试在断定辨认、懂得和运用这三个方面的表示会在必定水平上明显异于没有西语配景的对比组。为了证明假定,本文彩用问卷查询拜访和口试作为试验对象,后用SPSS来剖析两组先生在口试题中的差别情形。经由剖析,所得结论以下:1、L3西班牙语举措动词的习得会对L2英语的四个途径小品词的全体习得形成明显作用;2、L3西班牙语举措动词的习得不会对L2英语的四个途径小品词(不管是分离评论辩论照样作为全体)在断定辨认和懂得这两方面的习得形成明显作用;3、L3西班牙语举措动词的习得会对L2英语的四个途径小品词的全体运用形成明显作用。除此以外,本文还发明了其他相干结论:1、从组间考核,L3西班牙语举措动词的习得不会对L2英语的四个途径小品词的全体在零窗翻译题中的习得形成明显作用;2、从组间考核,L3西班牙语举措动词的习得会对L2英语的四个途径小品词的全体在单窗题(包含前、中、后窗)中的翻译形成明显作用;3、从试验组内考核,西语论文题目,L3西班牙语举措动词的习得会对L2英语的四个途径小品词全体在单窗题中的翻译形成明显作用,且即便开窗地位分歧,其作用水平也类似;4、从组间考核,在单窗翻译题中,L3西班牙语举措动词的习得会对L2英语的四个途径小品词的全体习得形成明显作用,而开单窗的地位和以上两身分的配合感化都不会对四个途径小品词的习得形成明显作用。


Speaking migration has always been one of the most popular topics in the process of foreign language teaching. Along with the people of the region, between the countries listed to increasingly frequent, study and application of multi language scene more rare. In the teaching theory and practical research, scholars have gradually realized that the three language acquisition should be independent from the two language acquisition because of the complexity of the mechanism. At the same time, the concept of the most recent development of the study of the migration of the talk is actually a very unique perspective to provide practical support for the migration of speech from the deep level. However, based on the research of later generations, the author of the invention of the international three language acquisition research results in the speech combination, migration bias and other aspects of the existence of a certain degree of limitation. Therefore, this is to China University Spanish students as the research object, trying to learning assessment Spanish (L3) action verbs in English (L2) way particles (in, out, up and down) acquisition to the lateral migration, and with the concept of migration to explain the experimental results. This paper attempts to answer the following research results: 1. Whether the acquisition of Spanish action verbs can bring significant lateral migration to the whole acquisition of the four approaches to English writing? 2. Can the acquisition of Spanish action verbs have an obvious lateral migration to the identification and identification of the four ways of the English essay (whether it is the separation of the review debate as a whole)? 3, whether the acquisition of Spanish action verbs will be able to learn English in four ways (whether it is separated from the review debate as a whole) to bring the obvious lateral migration? 4, whether the acquisition of Spanish action verbs can bring significant lateral migration to the whole application of the four approaches to English essay? In this paper, speculation, a Spanish background in the experimental group subjects in concluded that identification, understanding and application of the three aspects of said in a certain level were significantly different in the absence of a comparison group of Spanish background. In order to prove the hypothesis, this paper uses the questionnaire survey and interview as the test object, and then uses SPSS to analyze the difference between the two groups of mr.. Through the analysis, obtained the following conclusions: 1, the acquisition of L3 Spanish action verbs will all the acquisition of L2 English four ways for particle formation effect; 2, L3 Spanish action verbs acquisition will not on L2 English four way particle (whether isolated comments debate still as a whole) concluded that recognize and understand that the acquisition of the obvious influence; 3, the acquisition of L3 Spanish action verbs will of L2 English four ways for particles of all application obvious influence. In addition, this paper also developed other coherent conclusions: 1, from the group assessment, L3 Spanish verb acquisition initiatives not on L2 English four ways particles in all the windows in the zero translation acquisition obvious influence; 2, from the assessment group, L3 acquisition of Spanish Verb measure L2 four English words in the way of sketch single window title (including front and rear window, in effect) in translation form; 3, evaluation from the test group, the L3 Spanish verb acquisition initiatives will significantly impact on the English L2 four way of particles in all the single window in the form of translation open the window, and even status differences, the influence level is similar; 4, from the assessment group, in a single window of translation, the acquisition of Spanish L3 acquisition of action verbs in English L2 four ways of particles were formed. Rings, and billing window position and the above two factors combined action are not acquisition of four ways particles form a significant effect.

