
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

戈雅绘画人物形象探讨 - 以《加普里乔斯》为例A study of the characters in Goya's paintings -- a case study of "Jaap Lee Jose"




Even troubled period of change, to hide the Goya in history traces, but his paintings remained fully kept up, in the later art evaluation home and his work represents the typical Spanish style of art, and the artistic characteristics of these works, enlightenment child no to count, a wide variety of artists, to transcend time and space, the ancient Mi far. Goya, the precursor of Europe in the eighteenth Century romantic art activities talented painter, the art picture by Goya research by prestige -- introduction Sangis Canton above to remind the end. No ordinary artists like Goya, with such a rich variety, and even conflict conflict style to represent the characteristics of the self. Even in the evolution of Spanish painting, that period and small colourful temperament big phase different dim monotone style era, Goya still to the tree style play strange banner. So if you want to comment on the debate of Goya free uninhibited nature, is a very easy job. Although Goya had gone away from us, but in now school of painting bud and robust times, no one like Goya that played role predicament resolution. This article through process of Goya's CAPRICHOS series characters in the image analysis, from an overview of Goya, "CAPRICHOS" series of painting background and content, and understand characters abstract and profound analysis on, understand Goya painting in the reaction of artistic and personal attributes has a unique position. In Goya's painting, his "Jaap Lee Jose" series is the most practical of mind and said the feeling, meaning a painter's painting is a big break in this era. However, this is not representative of modern abstract and rational of the subject is not enough. On the contrary, Goya has always insisted on a spring like enthusiasm of youth. It is precisely this enthusiasm, promote the life of Goya progress. At the same time this enthusiasm, makes Goya's works show different levels of humanitarian Pang zamian. Through the analysis of the series of works more deepen the understanding of the creation of Goya center sill thought. Goya's long life, the witness as belonging to the Spanish period vast history matters. So we said his work is chaos and the reactionary canvas.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   第一章 引言   6-10       1.1 选题缘由   6       1.2 探讨近况   6-7       1.3 探讨目的和意义   7       1.4 基本框架   7-10   第2章 对戈雅艺术的概述   10-14       2.1 学界对戈雅绘画的评价   10-11       2.2 对人物形象的评论   11       2.3 戈雅的历史地位   11-14   第3章 《加普里乔斯》的绘画背景   14-18       3.1 社会因素   14-15       3.2 个人因素   15-18   第4章 《加普里乔斯》中人物形象的特点   18-32       4.1 丑陋性   18-19       4.2 民族性   19-21       4.3 平民性   21-23       4.4 漫画性   23-32   结语   32-34   参考文献   34-36   致谢   36-38   攻读学位期间的探讨成果   38  
