
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

阿尔尼斯伊比利亚组曲中“特里安娜”著作浅析演奏措施Albeniz "suite" Terry Anna "Iberia" work analysis and playing method




To 19th century Spanish composer Albeniz Twilight creation piano suite "Iberian" the second volume of the three pieces of the Teri Anna "as the research object of this thesis. From the point of view of the creation of music background and application of folk music material, composer in the creation of continued early romantic piano playing clever tricks, and draws the Spanish ethnic civilization Andalusian plain near dance rhythm, melody and other elements, make the Teri Anna is full of profound skills, and with strong ethnic. Creation background in the first chapter, introduce the composer's life and the Teri Anna ", understand the characteristics of time and period; in the second chapter, a detailed analysis of the Teri Anna" music characteristic of the, musical structure, from the musical elements and characteristics of harmony, the theme of phrases such as a detailed analysis of Al Bennis writing means, initially a chapter from playing technique innovation, timbre disposal, music style master three aspects on how playing with ethnic color Albeniz works.


论文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   引言   6-7   第一章 阿尔贝尼斯及《特丽安娜》简介   7-8       第一节 阿尔贝尼斯的音乐生涯   7       第二节 《特丽安娜》创作背景   7-8   第二章 《特丽安娜》著作浅析   8-14       第一节 音乐特点及特色基础音乐元素   8-11       第二节 曲式结构及创作特点   11-12       第三节 主题乐句   12-14   第三章 《特丽安娜》的演奏措施   14-19       第一节 演奏技巧及技术创新   14-16       第二节 演奏时的音色处理   16-18       第三节 音乐风格把握   18-19   结语   19-20   参考文献   20-21   后记   21-22   作者简介   22  
