
资料分类免费西语论文 责任编辑:姗姗老师更新时间:2017-06-07

安东尼奥·洛佩斯·加西亚具象绘画探讨Antonio Lopez Garcia figurative painting research




Antonio Lopez Garcia is a very important representative of the modern realistic painting in Spain. Antonio Lopez Garcia's figurative painting from the Oriental painting tradition, with a model of Spanish art, his paintings are not only influenced by the traditional arts, and has a very strong period characteristics, to convey the passage of time and the differences of things. This paper discusses the relationship between the realistic painting and the traditional realistic painting by the process of Antonio Lopez Garcia's figurative painting. This paper uses the analysis method, comparison method and other research methods, the system, the comparison, the profound research Lopez Garcia Antonio concrete painting art. According to the exploration and development of Antonio Lopez Garcia's figurative painting, the artistic life is divided into five stages, and through the analysis of the important works of the times, the evolution and structure of the art style is summarized. In painting, the separation of the composition, color, light, techniques and creative characteristics of the five elements, a profound analysis of Antonio Lopez Garcia's painting to talk about the unique focus of discussion. In this paper, the innovation in the research on Antonio Lopez Garcia's artistic characteristics, summarizes the Antonio Lopez Garcia painting ethnic heritage of the ancient sense of mystery, in practical sense, painting in the noble sense of the three characteristics, research on An Dong Neo Lopez Garcia's perfect figurative painting. This research significance is demonstrated by Antonio Lopez Garcia strange figurative painting the realistic painting to a new height, namely his figurative painting, whether it is a huge city landscape description, so meticulous depiction, the viewer can see the setting from the time, feel the activities four to understand the illusion of life.


摘要   5-6   Abstract   6   引言   8-10   第1章 安东尼奥·洛佩斯·加西亚绘画探究   10-35       1.1 启蒙时期   10-11       1.2 马德里求学时期   11-14       1.3 具象表现风格时期   14-16       1.4 魔幻现实风格时期   16-17       1.5 具象写实风格时期   17-35           1.5.1 具象写实风格形成   17-23           1.5.2 具象写实风格确立   23-27           1.5.3 具象写实马德里系列   27-35   第2章 安东尼奥·洛佩斯·加西亚具象绘画语言   35-39       2.1 多视角组合   35       2.2 灰色系色彩   35-36       2.3 用光微妙   36       2.4 多层次技法   36-37       2.5 创作时间漫长   37-39   第3章 安东尼奥·洛佩斯·加西亚具象绘画艺术特点   39-44       3.1 民族传承中体现现代感   39-41       3.2 现实性中极具神秘感   41-42       3.3 绘画中表达崇高感   42-44   结语   44-45   参考文献   45-47   附录   47-54   致谢   54  
