构建具有高职特色以商贸为导向的运用阿拉伯语专业的教材体系 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:徐玉书[1] 康进慧[1] XU Yu- shu KANG Jin- hui (Jinhua Polytechnic College, Jinhua, 321017, China)


出  处:《教育与教学探讨》2017年第7期 103-105,117,共4页Journal of Chendu University:Educational Sciences Edition

基  金:基金项目:浙江省高职教育探讨会2017年课题“探究构建具有高职特色贸为导向运用阿拉伯语专业教材体系的探讨”(项目编号:YB07153).

摘  要:高职运用阿拉伯语专业的理论教学和实践教学都必须遵循“运用、实用、够用”的准则。高职阿拉伯语专业教材应体现高职的培养目标和特色,必须突出其岗位特点,其内容、选材以及体例必须真正体现实用性。文章通过实证调查和实践,以金华职业技术学院为个案,倡导建立具有高职特色以贸为导向的运用阿拉伯语专业教材体系。The Arabic theoretical and practical teaching in polytechnic college should obey the roles of application, practice and sufficiency. The teaching contents are embodied through textbooks to a great degree. The Arabic textbook system in the college should have the characteristics of its cultivation objection and the students' future job. The contents, materials and forms of the textbooks should be practical. This essay put forward the Arabic textbook system in the college guided by business and trade through research and practice through survey and practice by taking Jinhua Polytechnic College as an example.

关 键 词:教材体系 
