汉语“没有”比较句与越南语“Kh(?)ong b(?)ng”比较句对比探讨及教学运用[越南语论文]

资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

汉语没有比较句与越南语“Kh(?)ong b(?)ng”比较对比探讨教学运用The Chinese "Meiyou" comparative sentences and Vietnamese "Kh (? B ong (?) Comparative study of NG "and its application in Teaching


本文的研究内容重要分红三个部门:第一章是从本体的角度动身,对汉语没有”比拟句在句法和语义上的特色停止剖析,同时还剖析了“没有”比拟句与其他相似比拟句的差异。“没有”比拟句在句法上的特色表示为:比拟项(求比项和参照项)在情势上涌现对称与纰谬称景象;比拟点在句中有几种分歧的句法表示;比较较成果停止描述息争释后发明由于“没有”比拟句中求比项和参照项停止的是水平上的比拟,所以普通只要可以或许表现水平差别的成份能力进入句中充任比拟成果。在语义上,对“没有”比拟句的语义偏向和语义类型停止了剖析,并指出语境决议该比拟句的语义偏向;而比拟的对象分歧就会对该比拟句发生分歧的语义类型。在对和其他相似比拟句,如“不如”比拟句、“有”字比拟句停止剖析后可以看出“没有”比拟句和这两种比拟句存在着差异的地方。第二章是从句法、语义这两方面临汉语“没有”比拟句和越南语“khong bang”比拟句停止比较剖析,包含:1、从句法方面来看,发明两种比拟句在构造类型上存在着分歧的地方;比拟项的句法特点根本雷同,但当汉语“没有”比拟句的参照项被隐蔽时就涌现了不雷同的情形;比拟点具有差异的地方;比拟成果有年夜同小异的特色。2、从语义方面来看,因构造上存在着差别,所以语义上也存在着响应的差别;比拟项组成比拟的根本语义基本是“同中见异”;在比拟成果上,两种比拟句的差别最年夜,越语专业论文,“没有”比拟句对充任比拟成果的描述词在语义上有必定的限制,而越南语“khong bang”比拟句没无限制;在语义偏向上,“没有”比拟句偏向于正向描述词,而在越南语‘’khong bang“比拟句中,正向或负向描述词都可以接收。第三章是在汉语“没有”比拟句与越南语”khong bang"比拟句比较研究后指出差异的基本上,针对越南一年级先生进修、运用汉语“没有”比拟句时所涌现的偏误停止剖析,最初提出一些相干的教授教养建议,越语专业论文,并试图停止对越汉语“没有”比拟句的教授教养设计。


This research is an important part of the dividends three departments: first chapter is from the body, and the point of view of the start of Chinese "no" compare sentences on the syntactic and semantic features analysis. At the same time, we analyze the "no" match sentence and other similar compare similarities and differences between sentences. "No" analogous sentences on the syntactic characteristics expressed as: compare (for compared and referenced) on the situation emerging symmetry and PI perverted scene; match point in the sentence there are several different syntactic representation; compared with the results described information release after the invention of the "no" match sentence demand compared and referenced stop is on the level of match, so ordinary as long as you can perhaps performance ability of components among different levels into a sentence acted as the comparison results. In semantics, to the "no" compare semantic bias and semantic types to carry on the analysis, and points out context the resolution match semantic bias; and compare object differences would the analogous sentences have different semantic types. On the analogy and other similar words, such as "inferior", "a" word comparison sentence comparison sentence analysis can be seen after the "no" comparative sentences and the two sentences there are similarities and differences where compared. The second chapter is from the syntactic and semantic the Chinese face "no" match sentences and Vietnamese "Khong Bang" analogous sentences stop comparison analysis, including: 1, from the point of view of syntax, the invention of two analogous sentences in tectonic types exist differences; analogy syntactic basic similar, but when Chinese "no" comparison sentences referenced is hidden on the emergence of the situations are not identical; compared with the similarities and differences between the local. Results of the comparison the eve of the same characteristics. 2, from the semantic point of view, as a result of the structure are different, so the semantic also exist between response. Compare to basic semantic composition compared is basically "with"; on the other hand, in comparison to the results, two kinds of comparison sentence the difference between most of the eve, "no" compared to charge any match results the description of certain restrictions on the semantic, and Vietnamese "Khong Bang" analogous sentences no limit; in semantic bias, "not" analogous sentences biased positive adjectives, and in Vietnamese "Khong Bang" comparison sentences, positive or negative to describe word can receive. The third chapter is in Chinese "no" comparison sentences and Vietnamese "Khong Bang" comparison sentences comparative study pointed out the similarities and differences in basically, in Vietnam the first year students study and application of Chinese "no" analogous sentences when the emergence of error analysis, initially proposed some relevant teaching suggestions, and tried to stop the Chinese "no" comparison sentences teaching design.

