
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南学生汉语中介语(句类探讨A study of Vietnamese students' Chinese language (sentence)




Follow the Chinese learning of continuous heating, Vietnam Mr. Chinese acquisition research also received an increasing number of results. These research results of rich diversity, but must Nianye mostly in error analysis or small grammar research projects, lack analysis for the case of Mr. accurate application and of the eve of the grammar item analysis. In this paper, the application of interlanguage practical, comparative analysis of the actual, error analysis and interlanguage corpus research, error analysis method, comparison analysis method and practical way to Vietnam Mr. Chinese intermediary statement accurate application and fault application situation analysis, comprehensive Mister Vietnam Chinese Interlanguage syntax overview description of reason of the emergence of the profile, and accordingly put forward the response of teaching strategy, wishes to Vietnam, Chinese inter language learning supplies some reference. This thesis is divided into five sections. In the first part, it discusses the reason of choosing the topic, the purpose, the actual basic and the research method, and explains the results of the relevant research, the scale of the study and the origin of the corpus. The second department, comprehensive appraisal analysis Vietnam Mr. acquisition of Chinese Interlanguage Chen sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, feeling sentence accuracy and error situation. Evaluation of invention, in four sentences, said Chen is Vietnam Mr. control best sentence, accuracy of 86.72%. The other three types of sentence accuracy: 73.36% for separation of imperative sentences; interrogative sentence of 71.61% with 71.69%. Miss intermediary intermediary intermediary of Chinese third sector of Vietnam Mr. statement overview stop describing, the invention of Vietnam Mr. application of Chinese statement all the accurate rate was 85.41%; Vietnam Mr. Chinese four big sentence accuracy rate from high to low breakdown is: Chan sentence > imperative sentence > interrogative sentence > feeling, which can cause of the eve of the inferred that Vietnam's acquisition of Chinese four big sentence difficulty from high to low breakdown is: emotion sentence > interrogative sentence > imperative sentence > Chen said sentence; Vietnam Mr. Chinese statement classes have omit, mistakenly added, wrong, wrong order, a mixture of five kinds of bias, the bias error and error generation error the most, and the number of close. The Fourth Department, to constitute the Vietnam Mr. Chinese Interlanguage syntax overview of reason (accurate reason and error reason) a profound discussion, important are: the Chinese sentence their difficulty of L1 proficiency, migration and Mr. identity, and accordingly put forward the should be directed to the difficulty of Chinese sentence, Chinese and Vietnamese sentence category differences and Mr. defective strategy to enhance the teaching suggestions. The fifth sector, the full text of the summary.

