越南海防大学的汉语口语教学调查Spoken Chinese teaching in Vietnam Haiphong University survey 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,越南语论文题目,越语论文范文,内容请直接查看目录。) 中国在实施改造开放政策以后,世界上有愈来愈多的国度开端存眷中国。明天,世界各地正逐步出现出“汉语热”、“中国热”的海潮。在越南(特殊是在海防市)汉语正在成为年夜先生选择专业的新趋向,许多人都求之不得能说一口流畅的汉语。然则,今朝越南汉语专业的白话教授教养还处于起步阶段。海防市是越南北部沿海地域的8个沿海城市之一,到今朝为止,越南北部沿海地域只要海防市的海防年夜学开设了中文专业。是以,查询拜访越南海防年夜学的汉语白话教授教养情形对于进步越南的汉语白话教授教养程度具有较为主要的现实意义。本文共分为6个章节。第一章重要引见了研究配景、以往研究基本和展开本研究的意义;第二章经由过程搜集并查阅年夜量的中国与越南相干文献材料,对后人对于汉语白话教材、汉语白话教授教养手腕与办法、汉语白话教授教养师资和越南的汉语白话教授教养等方面的研究停止了文献综述;第三章是经由过程作者的专业练习经历,对海防年夜学汉语白话教授教养情形停止质性的描写与剖析,并出现了一份海防年夜学汉语白话教员正在运用的白话课教案;第四章对问卷查询拜访的成果停止了较为周全、过细的报告请示,这也是本文一项重要的研究内容;第五章重要经由过程对不雅察、访谈和查询拜访数据的剖析,指出了越南海防年夜学汉语白话教授教养今朝存在的重要成绩并提出改良建议,该部门内容触及到:以后的汉语白话课教材扶植成绩、若何依据汉语专业先生白话基本分歧而编班、若何改良教员的教授教养办法、先生不敢自动启齿说汉语的缘由和若何处理先生在课外缺少汉语白话情况等成绩。第六章是结论部门,总结了本研究的重要发明,并指出本研究的缺乏的地方和将来研究的偏向。 Abstract: After the implementation of the reform and opening policy, more and more countries in the world begin to pay close attention to China. Tomorrow, the world is gradually showing a "Chinese fever", "Chinese hot" tide. In Vietnam, especially in the Chinese coastal city) is becoming a new trend of university student to choose a professional, many people are elusive can speak fluent Chinese. But, at present, the vernacular Chinese teaching in Vietnam is still in its infancy. Hai Phong city is one of the eight coastal city in northern Vietnam coastal areas, until today, the coastal regions of North Vietnam as long as coastal city of Haiphong University opened Chinese professional. To query visit Vietnam, Haiphong, University of spoken Chinese teaching situation about progress Vietnam spoken Chinese teaching degree has more important practical significance. This article is divided into 6 chapters. The first chapter introduces the research background, the important research and investigation of the previous basic research significance; the second chapter through the China process with Vietnam to collect and access to a large number of relevant literature materials, research on future generations of Chinese vernacular Chinese vernacular teaching materials, teaching methods and teaching methods, teaching spoken Chinese and Vietnamese vernacular Chinese professor rearing and other aspects of the stop literature review; the third chapter is the author through the process of professional practice experience, the Defense University of Chinese vernacular teaching case description and qualitative analysis to stop, and the emergence of a coastal university teacher is the application of Chinese vernacular vernacular teaching plan; the fourth chapter of the questionnaire survey results a more comprehensive and detailed report, which is also an important research content in this paper; the fifth chapter through the process of an important observation and interview And query survey data analysis, pointed out the Haiphong, Vietnam University Chinese spoken language teaching today in the presence of significant achievements and puts forward suggestions for improvement, the Department involves: after the spoken Chinese textbooks construction achievements, how according to Chinese professional Mr. vernacular basic discrepancy and grouping, how to improve the teacher's teaching methods, Mr. can't automatically reluctant to say Chinese reason and how to deal with Mr. in extracurricular lack of Chinese vernacular achievement. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the important inventions of this study, and points out the lack of local and future research in this study. 目录: 摘要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 第一章 绪论 10-15 1.1 探讨背景 10-11 1.2 探讨基础 11-13 1.2.1 汉语口语教学的地位 11-12 1.2.2 汉语口语教学准则 12 1.2.3 越南海防大学汉语口语教学的概况 12-13 1.4 探讨意义 13-15 第二章 汉语口语教学探讨及其在越南发展近况 15-23 2.1 汉语口语教材 15-17 2.1.1 汉语口语教材的发展概况 15-16 2.1.2 汉语口语教材编写探讨近况 16-17 2.2 汉语口语教学手段与措施探讨近况 17-20 2.3 汉语口语教学师资情况 20-21 2.4 越南的汉语口语教学探讨近况 21-23 第三章 海防大学汉语口语教学情况略论 23-31 3.1 海防大学汉语口语师资情况 23-24 3.2 海防大学汉语口语教材使用情况 24 3.3 海防大学汉语口语教学过程 24-26 3.3.1 教学进度与课时安排 24 3.3.2 教学手段的采用 24 3.3.3 教学措施的运用 24-26 3.4 海防大学汉语口语考核办法 26-27 3.5 海防大学汉语口语教案示例 27-31 3.5.1 口语教案示例 27-28 3.5.2 第一部分:《看图说话》第七课 28-29 3.5.3 第二部分:《汉语口语教程》第六课“事业与家庭” 29-30 3.5.4 对该教案的简要评价 30-31 第四章 学生口语学习情况调查结果及略论 31-39 4.1 调查对象的选取 31 4.2 调查结果略论 31-38 4.3 小结 38-39 第五章 现存问题与改善对策 39-46 5.1 教材的问题及改进 39-40 5.2 汉语专业学生的学习基础异同 40-41 5.3 教学措施情况 41-42 5.4 学生口语的练习 42-44 5.5 课外语言环境建设 44-46 第六章 结语 46-48 参考文献 48-52 附录1 越南海防大学汉语口语课程的调查问卷(学生卷) 52-54 致谢 54 |