泰国学生汉语双字调习得的实验略论Analysis of Chinese students in Thailand double tone acquisition experiment 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,泰语论文网站,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 本文以分歧汉语程度的泰国粹生为对象,以他们习得汉语双字调为内容停止考核,经由过程听觉感知试验和声学试验,从泰国粹生的双字调感知和现实发音的才能两个方面停止研究。在听觉感知方面分为现实有意义的和现实成心义的汉语双字调两部门,然后归结出泰国粹生习得汉语双字调的重要偏误及习得的纪律。本文商量进修者在习得进程中的广泛成绩,取得的根本结论为:(1)泰国粹生的听觉感知才能不是很强,然则现实成心义的音调可以或许赞助先生准确感知;(2)阳温和半上调不管在前或后字都是泰国粹生在感知上轻易混杂的;(3)不论在前或后字进修者都存在较雷同的偏误,分离为:阴平在低级阶段调型出现“降”型到了高等阶段调型才相符汉语通俗话,但依然存在调域偏低的成绩。阳平的调域和调型存在必定的偏误,出现“凹”型的特点。半上声前字开首的调值比通俗话偏高,尔后字相符汉语通俗话。上声变阳平,存在调域和调型的偏误,出现“凹”型。去声,在低级阶段的调型出现了“凸”和“降”型,到了高等阶段才相符汉语通俗话,但开端降低有点迟缓,末尾的走势降得比通俗话高,调值存在必定的偏误。本文以中介语实际、偏误实际和比较剖析实际为指点,提出泰国粹生习得汉语双字调的相干结论:(1)进修者习得缘由为1.母语正迁徙2.目标语音调特点3.汉语音调常识的正迁徙,(2)进修者偏误的缘由为1.母语负迁徙2.汉语音调的常识的负迁徙3.教员的误导与教授教养缘由。最初提出对双字调教授教养的建议:1.看重音调调型,辨别音高2.运用试验语音的常识联合音乐的教授教养法3.以单字调为基本,同时看重双字调。 Abstract: In this paper, to the extent of the differences of Chinese Thai pure students as the object, in their acquisition of Chinese disyllabic tone for the content of the examination, through the process of auditory perception test and acoustic tests, from Thailand pure dual tone perception and reality pronunciation to two aspects of research. Realistic significance and realistic mean righteousness Chinese Bisyllabic tone two departments in auditory perception analysis, and then summarize Thailand Students Acquisition of Chinese disyllabic tone important errors and acquisition of the discipline. In this paper, we discuss the learner in the acquisition process in wide range achievement, fundamental conclusions obtained: (1) Thailand Students auditory perception ability is not strong, but the reality mean righteous tone can perhaps sponsored Mr. accurate perception of; (2) Yang moderate hike of half no matter in before or after a word is Thailand Students in perception easy to confuse the; (3) regardless of the in before or after the word learners are compared with the same error separation is: Yinping in the preliminary stage of adjusting appear "down" to the higher phase modulating is consistent with the Chinese popular words, but there are still tone range low grades. Adjustable domain and adjustable type Ib bias must be the characteristics of "concave" type. Half tone before the word at the beginning of the pitch than goes high, and the popular Chinese words. One variable Hinata, errors and tone tone domain, "concave" type. Falling tone, in the lower stage of the "convex" and the "down", to a higher stage is consistent with the Chinese popular words, but begin to fall a bit slow, at the end of the trend drop is higher than that of the popular words, tone exists certain error. In this paper, the actual practice of interlanguage, error theory and comparative analysis pointing proposed Thailand Students Acquisition of Chinese disyllabic tone coherent conclusion: (1) learning acquisition reason for mother tongue is migratory. The target speech features 3 tones, common sense is migratory, (2) learning bias reason 1. Negative migration. Tones of Chinese knowledge negative migration. The teacher's misleading and teaching cause. Originally proposed to dual tone teaching suggestions: 1. See accented tone, pitch discrimination. Application test speech combining the knowledge of music teaching method. To word tune as the basic, at the same time value of Bi syllable tone. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5 第一章 绪论 8-16 1.1 问题来源 8-9 1.2 理论和实践意义 9-10 1.3 探讨近况 10-12 1.4 相关理论探讨 12-16 第二章 汉泰语双字调介绍以及实验 16-31 2.1 泰语双音节声调介绍 16-18 2.2 汉语双字调的介绍与声学略论 18-31 2.2.1 汉语双字调的介绍 18-19 2.2.2 汉语双字调实验略论 19-21 2.2.3 汉语双字调的实验结果统计 21-31 第三章 不同汉语水平泰国学生汉语双字调感知的实验略论 31-44 3.1 汉语双音节词的感知实验略论--实际无意义的实验词 32-37 3.2 汉语双字调的感知实验略论--实际有意义的实验词 37-42 3.3 学生汉语双字调听觉感知实验小结 42-44 第四章 初级水平泰国学生汉语双字调的实验略论 44-68 4.1 初级水平双字调前字的实验结果统计和略论 45-57 4.2 初级水平双字调后字的实验结果统计和略论 57-66 4.3 初级水平学生汉语双字调声学实验的小结 66-68 第五章 高级水平泰国学生汉语双字调的实验略论 68-90 5.1 高级水平学生双字调前字的实验结果统计和略论 68-79 5.2 高级水平双字调后字的实验结果统计和略论 79-87 5.3 高级水平学生汉语双字调声学实验的小结 87-90 第六章 实验总结与教学建议 90-99 6.1 泰国学生汉语双字调听觉感知习得的过程 90-91 6.2 泰国学生汉语双字调发音声学实验习得的过程 91-93 6.3 泰国学生习得汉语双字调的原因略论 93-94 6.4 偏误产生的原因考察 94-97 6.5 对泰国学生汉语双字调教学的意见 97-99 参考文献 99-101 致谢 101-102 附录1 汉语双字调实验词表 102-103 附录2 无意义的感知实验词 103-104 附录3 有意义的感知实验词 104-105 附录4 初级水平泰国学生汉语双字调格局图(前字) 105-107 附录5 初级水平泰国学生汉语双字调格局图(后字) 107-108 附录6 高级水平泰国学生汉语双字调格局图(前字) 108-110 附录7 高级水平泰国学生汉语双字调格局图(后字) 110 |