
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国校园青春电影接受美学探讨Research on the reception aesthetics of Thailand campus youth film




Twentieth Century at the end of 90 years, a financial crisis in Asia, Thailand's economy suffered heavy losses, the film industry has also been involved, into the trough. In this critical situation, the Thai film attention tough obstacles, through the process of just a few years time reflection and precipitation, making Thailand film agile recovery, posture to face a return to the view of the masses. Thailand film also slowly become too full, rich and diverse, Fang Hua is the subject of the film has also emerged. Campus youth film in Thailand and no large number of application complicated complex splicing skills, also there is no rigid to shape the magnificent picture, nor blindly seeking audio-visual shock, lined with culture and art lined with moderation also, pay attention to consideration for plot settings dialogue. Precisely such a simple natural, return to the true means of expression, as Thailand's campus youth film film world alive bid new innovation. The important of Thailand campus youth film stop reception aesthetics research, to the point of view of indecent, from the theme, narrative art, film and television talk received analysis, with many classic Thai campus youth film as an example demonstration analysis and meticulous excavation campus youth film in Thailand in a relatively short time agile growth source, and hard study its evolution and degradation, slowly into the mainstream film (horror film, action film, etc.) the ranks of psychological mechanisms. And summed up the popular masses to meet the characteristic features and its growth potential, learn from Thailand campus youth film peculiar elements and artistic charm, to receive aesthetics actual basic, seek scientific and academic, and the state's macroeconomic regulation and control phase differences and develop with Chinese characteristics of the campus youth film way, slowly form that can develop continuously is the campus youth film property form, rich Chinese film property type.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   1 导论   7-12       1.1 探讨泰国校园青春电影的价值与意义   7-8       1.2 对泰国校园青春电影进行接受美学探讨的重要性   8       1.3 泰国校园青春电影的探讨近况   8-11       1.4 论文探讨思路与创新性   11-12   2 泰国校园青春电影的历史及其发展   12-24       2.1 泰国电影的崛起   12-13       2.2 泰国电影的类型   13-15       2.3 泰国校园青春电影的产生   15-16       2.4 泰国校园青春电影的发展   16-18       2.5 泰国校园青春电影与观众之缘   18-24   3 泰国校园青春电影主题之接受略论   24-38       3.1 阳光青春的基调设定--赋予自由感   24-26       3.2 对日常生活的审美呈现--营造熟悉感   26-29       3.3 以“纯爱”为核心创造唯美之境--获得愉悦感   29-32       3.4 传统艺术的审美展示--体现其融合性   32-34       3.5 以人为本的大爱精神--实现对观者的“净化”   34-38   4 泰国校园青春电影叙事艺术之接受略论   38-49       4.1 传统的情境结构--对“潜在读者”的“主动诱导”   38-42       4.2 独特的叙事艺术--实现观者的期待视野   42-45       4.3 形象的人物塑造--超越读者的审美期待   45-49   5 泰国校园青春电影影视语言之接受略论   49-61       5.1 镜头语言--对“召唤结构”的应用   49-52       5.2 青春影像--实现身份认同   52-54       5.3 声音--作者、著作、观者三者间的互动   54-61   6 结语   61-65       6.1 泰国校园青春电影崛起的必然性   61-62       6.2 泰国校园青春电影对社会产生的影响和作用   62-63       6.3 中国校园青春电影的近况与展望   63-65   参考文献   65-67   后记   67  
