
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国职业学校学生汉语学习略论一以尖竹职业学院为例Analysis of the Thailand occupation school students Chinese learning motivation to chantaburi Career Academy as an example




Learning motivation is the main factor affecting language learning two language learning results, have important effect of side of Thailand occupation school mr.. In this paper, the actual to second language learning motivation theoretical guidance, in summing up the posterity research basically through the process of chantaburi College of Thailand 248 logic students through the process of query visit questionnaire, after-school interviews, classroom observations it is concluded that the impact of Thailand Chanthaburi vocational college to students learning Chinese idea type, influencing factor, the idea of Chinese learning achievement and learning Chinese consequences on the idea of the negative effect of the coherent conclusion. The survey notes: 1, Thailand Career Academy, Mr. Chinese learning motivation was professional, gender, family support and personal identity. 2, Thai vocational school student of Chinese learning motivation can be divided into four big object idea, fusion idea, idea of interest, inherent motive, intrinsic motivation, medium object type thought accounted for the proportion of the most Nianye. 3, Thailand Career Academy science students learning Chinese consequences than arts students, science students Chinese learning motivation important representation for the object oriented idea, and the Career Academy in Thailand and on the Chinese curriculum for Science students. Influence of liberal arts students learning motivation for interest thoughts or fusion type thought important representation in liberal arts students for certain Chinese civilization symbol of concern and interest. 4, Thailand vocational school give Mr. to class for individuals to stop Chinese teaching, Mr. idea difference is bigger, in the process of teaching such as paying attention to difference to lure idea stop teaching is able to reach more fantasy teaching result. At the same time this paper proposed response strategy and check results for suggestions, aims to improve the quality of teaching and the Chinese Career Academy Thailand results.


中文摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   一、引言   8-13       (一) 探讨意义   9       (二) 探讨综述   9-11       (三) 探讨目标   11       (四) 探讨措施   11-13   二、泰国职业学校学生汉语学习动机调查--以尖竹汶职业学院为例   13-16       (一) 该校学生基本情况   13-14       (二) 问卷调查设计   14-15       (三) 调查结果略论   15-16   三、作用汉语学习因素略论   16-24       (一) 学习动机与所学专业的关系   16-18       (二) 学习动机与家庭背景的关系   18-20       (三) 学习动机与性别的关系   20       (四)课堂表现与学习成绩对学习动机的反作用   20-24   四、对泰国职业学校进行汉语教学的建议   24-28       (一) 了解学生汉语水平和心理需求引导学习动机   24-25       (二) 注重多种教学手段进行教学刺激学习动机   25-26       (三) 注重与学生课后进行交流保持积极学习动机   26       (四)注重激发学生汉语学习热情   26-28   五、总结   28-29       (一) 结论   28       (二) 文章不足以及进一步发展设想   28-29   注释   29-30   参考文献   30-33   附录   33-35   致谢   35-37  
