
资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-05-05


"You" sentence is one of the special sentence pattern in ancient Chinese grammar, the syntactic structure is complex, rich expressive effect, in the people daily life application frequency is very high. Although in general textbooks of TCFL Bangbian have been included in level grammar items, but reality left Mr. in the learning process in application of the accurate rate lower, especially Japan and South Korea to leave Mr., through the process of search in HSK dynamic composition corpus "you" sentence errors. Invention, Japan and South Korea left Mr. in the sentences acquisition there must be similar. This article is divided into four departments. The first part is the introduction, important to elaborate the topic background and theoretical significance, research ideas and research materials, research methods and practical basic; and then Nianye caused by combing "" words in the two aspects of ontology and foreign language teaching research results, combined with foreign language teaching large classes and related materials of "" words of disposal and teaching reality, will "have" sentences can be divided into "N1 / have / N2", "/N2/VP N1", "n / () /VP/ describe the word," N1 / have / number / adjective "the eve of the six subordinate sentence patterns. The second department to error analysis and Interlanguage practical for guidance, based on the HSK static composition corpus of native Japanese and native Korean left Mr. acquisition "is" sentence errors stop classification and analysis, and come to Japan and South Korea left Mr. acquisition "you" sentence error in '"word missing scene is quite extensive, Nianye sector is specially constructed" N1/VP1/ to / with / to /N2/ generation ten missed on ten N3/VP2 "word. In addition, this paper also examines the Japan and South Korea left Mr. partial sentence error cases Bangbian six big sentence application invention error sentence important focus on "N1 is / N2" and "N1 has /N2/VP" sentence, table match subordinate sentence patterns "N1 / no /N2/ (so that) / (Polish language) description words" without any bias.. In view of the characteristics of the error types and sentence acquisition of Japan and South Korea, the third section of this article is to analyze and discuss the reason and internal reason of the external reason and internal reason. Fourth departments jointly with the previous content, from the teaching, teaching materials, teachers, three aspects of the views and suggestions, the desire to help improve the foreign language "have" the consequences of teaching.


摘要   3-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   第一章 绪论   10-24       1.1 选题背景及实践意义   10-12       1.2 探讨材料及探讨思路   12       1.3 探讨措施和理论基础   12-14       1.4 “有”字句探讨概况   14-24           1.4.1 本体探讨中的“有”字句   14-18           1.4.2 对外汉语教学中的“有”字句探讨   18-21           1.4.3 本文对“有”字句下位句式的分类   21-24   第二章 日韩留学生“有”字句的偏误类型及略论   24-36       2.1 遗漏偏误略论   24-29           2.1.1 遗漏“有”字   24-27           2.1.2 遗漏其他词或成分   27-28           2.1.3 遗漏“有”字并有词汇、句法偏误   28-29           2.1.4 遗漏“有”字并有语序错误   29       2.2 误加偏误略论   29-30           2.2.1 误加“有”字   29-30           2.2.2 误加助词   30           2.2.3 误加“有”字并有其他偏误   30       2.3 误用偏误略论   30-33           2.3.1 该用“有”而误用其他词语   31-32           2.3.2 该用其他词语而误用“有”   32           2.3.3 该用“有”字句而误用其他句式   32-33       2.4 正确使用了“有”字但有其他偏误   33       2.5 本章小结   33-36   第三章 “有”字句偏误原因研讨   36-45       3.1 内部原因   36-40           3.1.1 母语负迁移造成的偏误   36-38           3.1.2 对目的语掌握不够造成的偏误   38-40           3.1.3 “有”字句回避使用偏误   40       3.2 外部原因   40-45           3.2.1 “有”字句本身的复杂性   40-41           3.2.2 词典中的解释的作用   41-42           3.2.3 教材编写   42           3.2.4 课堂教学   42-45   第四章 针对日韩留学生“有”字句的教学建议   45-49       4.1 对教学的建议   45-47           4.1.1 句法、语义、语用有机结合教学   45           4.1.2 按习得顺序分阶段教学   45-46           4.1.3 对比教学   46           4.1.4 板块式教学   46-47       4.2 对教材的建议   47-48       4.3 对教师的建议   48-49   结语   49-50   参考文献   50-52   致谢   52-54  
