作 者:王琳 王芳 WANG Lin, WANG Fang(Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College, Beijing 102206 China) 机构地区:北京华文学院,中国北京102206 出 处:《国际汉语学报》2017年第2期219-229,共11页Journal of International Chinese Studies 基 金:本项探讨得到暨南大学华文教育探讨院2017年度“创新平台”一般项目“华裔留学生汉语能性范畴的习得探讨”(编号为:CXPTYB201713)、北京华文学院2017年度一般项目“清中叶琉球国华裔教材的多角度探讨”(项目编号:IIW-15-B09)的支持,本文在修改过程中得到匿名专家的指正.谨此一并致谢. 摘 要:基于调查问卷的略论我们发现:在两种能性结构的习得方面,泰国华裔学生的掌握情况呈现出逐级递升的状态,但不同水平的学生在“会”“能”“可以”及可能补语的习得顺序及掌握程度上存在差别.从平均偏误率来看,“会”和“可以”的掌握程度较好,而“能”和可能补语的掌握程度相对较差.因此,后两者应成为教学的重点和难点.我们在略论偏误原因的基础上,考察了教学大纲及教材中对能愿动词“能”“会”“可以”及可能补语的选取与排序.最后提出相应的教学建议.Based on Thai Chinese students' questionnaire survey, the paperconcludes that the acquisition level of two possibility structures is ascend grades. However,there are differences on acquisition order and effect between “Hui(会)”,“Neng(能)”,“ Keyi(可以)” and possible complement. From the average errors rate,the acquisitioneffect of “ Hui(会)” and “ Keyi(可以)” is better than th at of “ Neng (能)” and possible complement. Therefore,the latter two should be the emphasis and the difficulty of teaching. Based on analysis of errorcauses, the paper contrasts the selections and sequences of “Hui (会)”,“ Neng(能)” ,“Keyi (可以)” in syllabus and teaching materials. According to th is,the article makes some teaching suggestions. ,泰语论文范文,泰语毕业论文 |