
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李艳华 邓湘宁 LI Yan-hua;DENG Xiang-ning;Wuxi Professional College of Science and Technology,Japan and South Korea School;Wuxi Institute of Technology,school of further education;

机构地区:无锡科技职业大学日韩系 无锡科技职业大学继教大学

出  处:《湖北函授学院学报》2017年第21期120-121,共2页

摘  要:无论在教师教还是学生学的过程中,单词和语法的讲解是最基本的措施,在学生实际做句子中由于受到母语作用,句子往往会出现很多歧义。本文中通过比较不同类型的中日词汇,品词特点,语法比较,母语转移角度等略论中国学习者在学习日语时母语有哪些作用影响,从而研讨合适的教学措施。Words and grammar explanation is the most basic way in whether the teachers are teaching or the students are learn-ing.Actually,students always have ambiguity when making sentences due to the affect of mother tongue.In this paper,by com-paring different types of Japanese vocabulary,word product features and grammar,mother tongue shift I analyze the influence of mother tongue on Chinese language learners in learning Japanese,so as to explore appropriate teaching methods.

关 键 词:母语 汉字 中日词语 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
