作 者:高帅[1] GAO Shuai 机构地区:[1]长春理工学院光电信息大学 吉林·长春 130012 出 处:《科教导刊》2017年第18期共2页 摘 要:随着时代的变化,学院日语教学的侧重点也在不断变化。逐渐注重听力训练的同时,更加强了对会话能力的培养。本文将着眼于学院日语教学近况,日语论文,从学日语的目标、国际日语能力测试改革和学院日语课堂教学模式三方面,对目前学院日语教学中提高会话能力的重要性进行阐述,日语毕业论文,并略论在会话能力培养时容易走入的两个误区。With the change of times, the focus of teaching Japanese is also changing. Gradually focus on listening training, while also strengthening the training of conversation skills. This article will focus on the status of university teaching Japa-nese language, learn Japanese targets from the International University Japanese Language Proficiency Test reforms and Ja-panese classroom teaching three aspects of the current importance of improving university teaching Japanese language con-versation skills were described, and the ability to analyze training session when easily into two errors. 关 键 词:学院日语 近况 分 类 号:G424[文化科学—课程与教学论;文化科学—教育学;文化科学—教育技术学] |