
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:田小凤[1] TIAN Xiao-feng(School of Foreign Studies, Weinan Normal University, Weinan 714099, China)


出  处:《渭南师范大学学报:综合版》2017年第8期26-29,共4页Journal of Weinan Teachers College

基  金:渭南师范大学科研计划项目:对于中国日语学习者授受表达方式的习得探讨(12YKZ031);渭南师范大学2017年教改项目:Brown&Levinson的礼貌理论运用于日语授受表达教学的探讨与实践(JG201736)

摘  要:授受表达用法是日语教学和学习中的重点和难点内容之一,然而中国学生在使用授受表达的过程中,普遍存在误用现象,笔者认为教材的作用是很重要的原因之一.文章以2017年所进行的对于中国日语学习者授受表达方式习得探讨的问卷调查结果为依据,针对调查中学习者出现的问题倾向,对《新编日语教材中对于授受表达方式编写存在的问题进行略论、论证,最后提出改进对策,以期对日语教材的编写及教学有所启示.It's well known that the expression of giving and receiving is the focus and key in Japanese teaching and learning.However, in the usage of this expression there are some errors, which to some extent results from the textbook. Based on the ques-tionnaire of Chinese-Japanese learners'acquisition about expressions of giving and receiving carried out by the author in 2017, thispaper pointed out that the impact of teaching materials is one of the most important reasons for the learners'issue tendency appearedduring the survey. Then the paper analyzed and demonstrated the problems about expressions of giving and receiving appeared in thetextbook of New Japanese. Finally the improvement strategies were proposed.

关 键 词:授受表达方式 《新编日语》教材 中国日语学习者 

分 类 号:H379[语言文字—阿拉伯语]
