
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:关宜平[1] GUAN Yi-ping ( Faculty of International Languages, Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)


出  处:《厦门理工大学学报》2017年第4期 99-103,共5页Journal of Xiamen University of Technology

摘  要:在略论鼓浪屿景区旅游文本的基础上,参照汉英译文,探讨旅游文本的汉日翻译。由于中日两国在文化与语言上的历史渊源,译者往往在日语译文中直接沿用汉语文化词的汉字,这种翻译措施有其积极的一面,但过分使用,也会妨碍翻译目标的实现。因此,旅游文本中文化词的汉日翻译应充分考虑中日两国的文化差异与日本人的异文化接受能力,并参考汉英翻译策略日语毕业论文,除直接使用对应的日语汉字外,还应综合应用增添解释性文字、适当删减等翻译措施。A study is made of Japanese translation of Chinese tourist literature with reference to the Chinese to English version. When handling Chinese cultural words, Japanese translators tend to move the Chinese characters directly into the Japanese version making use of the similarity of Chinese and Japanese in language and culture. This translation approach works well in many eases, but it can hinder the full transform of message if not used critically. In addition to using the corresponding Japanese Kanji directly, translators are advised to use explanatory addition, necessary deduction or other translating techniques. The cultural and historical interaetion between China and Japan is the background for translation and Chinese English translation often provides a good reference.

关 键 词:旅游文本 文化词 汉日翻译 翻译策略 鼓浪屿风景区 

分 类 号:H365.9[语言文字—日语]
