学 会多 种 表 达 方 法 A well composed essay is supposed to include all kinds and types of sentences, while utilizing as many sentences structures as possible. Let’s try paraphrasing a simple sentence, seeing how much we can do in restructuring and rephrasing them: 汉语中,“想想真开心,忖村笑煞人”中的“想”和“忖”是一个意思,英语论文范文,换了一种表达,语言明显地活泼多了。汉语中还有“你叫什么名字”常常说成“请问贵姓?”或“请问芳名”;“多大年龄”问长者是“请问阁下高寿?”,问年轻女子则是“请问您的芳龄”;“在哪儿工作”说成“在哪儿高就”,等等。 英语也是一样。每句话都有多种不同的说法,既可以这样说,英语论文范文,也可以那样说。 多种表达可以应用词汇和语法手段,如同义词的替代、反义词的换用、句型的变换(长句改短句、复合句改简单句、几个意义相关的简单句改为复合句)、语态、时态、引语的改更、人称的改变。甚至正话反说,反话正说,这样,使英语更加娴熟、应用自如。还可以利用修饰手段,在准确的基础上力求使说的话和写的文章更加明白准确、更加庄重得体、更加委婉诙谐,更加细腻富有情感,更加具有感染力和可读性而不至于索然寡味。 初中英语教材就出现过: Suppose you are Mary, ask your partner those questions. Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture. Imagine your are librarian. Then make up a dialogue between you and the student. 学会用不同的方式解释同一事物(How to explain things in different ways)。传统的教学措施也进行替换练习,只是语言层面的替换,而不是思维层面的替换。比如:I love you. 传统的教学措施也进行替换练习,就是I love her. I love my mother.其中her, my mother 替换了you。显而易见,这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,不能启动思维。如果替换成I want to kiss you. I want to hug you. I will show my heart to you等,才是真正的替换。 1. 改变词或词组:小词换大词,大词换小词。小词是拼写字母少,口语中常用的词汇;大词是拼写字母多,书面语中常用的词汇。一般来说,词的字母越长越高贵。 你好 Hi./ Hello! Good morning! / Good Afternoon!/Nice to meet you. 谢谢 Thank you. / Thanks. / Many thanks. / It’s very nice of you. /be grateful to sb. for st. / Thank you ever so much (真是太谢谢你了). Thank you just the same. /We greatly appreciate your timely help.(我们非常感谢你们的及时帮助)。 不用谢 Not all. / That’s OK. / That’s all right. / You’re welcome. / Forget it. / Drop it. / My pleasure. / Don’t mention it. 1 |