
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


本论文旨在通过问卷调查, 对东西方文化背景下的不同结果进行略论, 找出不同文化下人们团队意识的不同。本论文将从文化角度出发, 对文化的各个方面进行略论,找出作用人们意识的根本原因, 并对这些原因进行进一步的探讨, 从而解释这些原因是怎么作用人们的意识的。探讨的目的在于找出在东西方不同的两个大文化背景下人们团队意识的差别, 从而为全球化过程中国际团队的建设提供一些信息。
探讨发现各国人民团队意识都有一些差别。在东方文化下人们认为中国团队比较注重人际联系, 日本团队特别强调对领导的绝对服从。而这两种不同的意识却都与儒家思想有一定的关系。在西方文化中人们认为英国和美国团队都很注重平等和制度。这同样与他们所信仰的宗教有一定的关系,同时也受到了社会运动的作用。

关键词: 团队, 文化, 宗教, 社会运动


The aim of this paper is to analyze the result of a questionnaire which is designed to test people’s recognition of team consciousness. Through the analysis of data collected from respondents in eastern and western cultures, the differences of team consciousness are to be found in the current study. The paper will also discuss reasons of the result in cultural perception and how these reasons affect people’s consciousness. The result of this paper may provide some reference for international team-building.
The questionnaire shows that people’s team consciousness is different due to the cultural differences. In eastern culture Chinese think human relationship is important to team and Japanese think everyone has to obey leader’s order absolutely. These two kinds of consciousness are all related to Confucianism. In western culture Americans and Englishmen think rule and equality are important for team-building. This is also related to the religion that they believe. Moreover the frequent social movements also have an impact on it. 

Keywords: team, culture, religion, social movement

1  Introduction
Substance dominates consciousness and consciousness is people’s subjective understanding of the external world. People in different external world will have different consciousness. Any idea exists in people’s brain belongs to consciousness, for example, people’s recognition of team and people’s different thought on team. For eastern and western people, they may have different consciousness towards team because of the culture differences. The aim of this paper is to find out people’s different recognition and thoughts of team between eastern and western culture and reasons for the differences.
