
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


    It is stated in the new English curriculum standards in senior high school "Writingis the communicative ability to write and convey messages. It is one of the aims of theEnglish teaching to foster students' writing ability." In 2017, national ministry ofeducation requires that the proportion of writing in the entrance examination should beincreased. That is to say, senior high school students should take measures to improvetheir writing ability.
    The purpose of this paper is to integrate the dynamic assessment (henceforth DA)into the writing instruction in order to enhance the Ss' writing level. The most importantfeature of DA is that it does not separate instruction from assessment, but instead, is infavor of a teacher-student unity that encourages their joint efforts for the firtureimprovement of the student through their Zone of Proximal Development. The papergives a systematic introduction of DA and designs a research plan for investigating theresearch questions. In the research process, the author adopts the dialogic way ofteaching which is of great help in enhancing learners" writing interest and improvingtheir waiting competence.  The  author researches the function  and  effect  of thatintegration by using comparison, description, quantitative and qualitative analysis.
    In the beginning, two research questions are given: 1)Will dynamic assessmentstimulate Ss' interest in English writing more effectively than static assessment? 2) Willdynamic assessment improve Ss' writing ability more effectively than static assessment`?To  answer  the  first  research  question,  the  author  conducts  two  questionnaireinvestigations. The author also uses students' scores in the final examination of the lastteen as the pre-test in order to prove that these two classes are of the same level and canbe used as experimental class and control class. The two classes use the same learningmaterials. In the experimental class, the author adopts the interactive way of integratingthe DA into the English writing instruction. In the control class, the author adopts thetraditional way of assessing students' end product in writing instruction only. Eight weeks later, the author takes the mid-term examination as the mid-test in order to collectdata about the students' English level. At the end of this semester, the author takes thefinal examination as the post-test in order to answer the second research question. At theend of this semester, the author takes the final examination as the post-test in order toanswer the second research question.
    Based on the experiments and the data, this paper analyses the changes of Ss'attitude and ability. In the end, a result is clear. Compared with static assessment ornon-dynamic assessment (NDA), dynamic assessment teaching is much helpful inteaching and learning.


      《普通高中英语课程标准》(实验稿:2017: 29)指出:“写是书面表达和传递信息的交际能力。培养初步写的能力,是英语教学的目的之一。”国家教育部2017出台的新课标对各省自主命题试卷中书面表达部分的比重要求提高,英语论文范文英语论文,因此,高中英语教师应该采取有效的教学措施和评估措施来有计划、有目的的去培训和提高学生的写作能力。
