
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


The “hybridity theory”, proposed by Homi Bhabha, claims that there is no absolute domestication or foreignization, because all translated versions are hybrid texts and the difference lies in the degree of hybridity. Hong Lou Meng is a fairy blossom in the garden of world literature. This thesis explored the hybridity in Hong Lou Meng by comparing and analyzing the two versions and pointed out that both of the Yangs’version and Hawkes’ are hybrid texts whose degrees of hybridity is different. Generally speaking, the Yangs’ version contains higher degree of hybridity than Hawkes’. But it does not mean that the higher the degree of hybridity it has, the better the translation is, and that a good translation should involve an appropriate proportion of hybridity. Conclusively, these two versions are both successful translated works, which bridge the gap between the Chinese and western culture, and the translators of the two versions have made great contributions to the cultural communication between China and the West world.

Keywords:  Domestication  Foreignization  Degree of Hybridity  English Versions of Hong Lou Meng



关键词: 归化;异化;杂合度;《红楼梦》英译本

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Research Background
Translation, a practical activity, has been working widely in human’s cultural communication. Up to the 1950s, many translation schools had mushroomed. “Apart from linguistic school and the traditional philological school, the western translation theories, namely, translation study schools, deconstructionism, feminist theory, post-colonialism theory and so on, appeared in the nearly twenty years ago”(Han Ziman, 2017). Among them, the hybridity theory, in the light of post-colonialism studies, has attracted more and more scholars. Homi Bhabha introduced the hybridity theory to the field of translation studies. He thinks that there exists a third space in where two cultures communicate. Cultural differences in this space result in the hybridity,which is termed “the third space”, with cultural features of both sides(Bhabha, 1994). Thus translation, as an important channel of communication between two cultures and languages, contains inevitably the features of two cultures and languages found in the translated text. That is what we conceive of “hybridity” in translation process.
