
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


近二十年来 ,展现非洲裔美国人生活方方面面的电影和电视更是层出不穷。独具特色的黑人电影作为美国媒体演绎美国黑人文化的一个经典窗口 ,早已赢得了无数观众的青睐。美国电影中黑人演员在语言层面上体现了别具一格的黑人味道。美国黑人英语的语音、词汇模式、句法和修辞技巧被应用以展现不同的交际场景。



Black American English is named because it is widely used by black Americans . In fact its use stretches beyond our imagination. In addition to black Americans , other American people in low classes also widely use it .
In the recent two decades , movies and TV series that show African American's daily life are countless . As a window which American media uses to introduce a classic American black culture , the unique black films have already won numerous audience's favor . In American movies, the languages of black actors and actresses reflect the unique flavor of black English . Its phonetic features, vocabulary, rhetorical devices and syntax structures are employed to show different communication scenes .
Many researchers have analysed the translation of black English using different theories .But , so far , few researchers have analyzed the translation of black English subtitles in American films using functional equivalence principle .
Therefore, this paper aims at analyzing the translation of black English in the subtitles of American movies with functional equivalence principle . It has four parts . Part 1 is the introduction part. Part 2 introduces functional equivalence principle , black English and its characteristics. Part 3 analyzes the translation of black English in terms of its pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and sentence patterns in the subtitles of American movies with functional equivalence principle . And part 4 is the conclusion of the paper .

Key words: black English, functional equivalence principle,subtitle translation.
