
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Movie is not only a commercial product, but also an art piece. Different countries exchange and share their cultural differences through the media of movie. Excellent movie title translations are apt to attract more viewers from one country to appreciate movies produced in another country. Needless to say, the movie title translation is believed to play a crucial role in the introduction of these movies, which has consequently contributed to cultural exchanges, facilitates mutual understanding between individuals from different nations and bring more profits to movie producers. Nevertheless, it is necessary and worthwhile to study movies titles as well as their translations. Firstly, the paper introduces a brief review of some researches on Skopos Theory and on movie title translation. Secondly, it clarifies its three important rules. Next, it illustrates some genres of movies and then focuses on the two differences between Chinese and English movie titles from both linguistic and cultural aspects. Finally, the paper emphasizes that translators should use appropriate ways of three rules of Skopos Theory in movie title translation, which are the skopos rule, the coherence rule and the fidelity rule.

Key words:Skopos Theory; movie titles; translation; coherence rule; fidelity rule

摘  要:


1 Introduction
 As we all know, movie plays an important role in our daily life. It is a medium of sharing cultures from home and abroad. It represents social and cultural life of different countries and always arouses people’s emotion. Meanwhile, movie title translation, a special translation practice, is also playing a crucial role in both the process of translation and intercultural communication. Well translated movie titles are apt to attract audience of target language. Without question, translation is believed to play an important role in the introduction of these movies, which has consequently contributed to cultural exchanges, facilitates mutual understanding between individuals from different nations and bring more profits to movie producers. Therefore, it is necessary and worthwhile to make a study of this topic. The author analyses the movie title translation from the perspective of Skopos Theory in this paper.
