
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

本文主要从美国情景剧中俗语出发, 介绍了如何翻译国内外都熟悉的美剧中俗语技巧, 让大家对对于怎样翻译美剧中的俗语有一个更清楚的认识。伴随着世界多极化和经济全球化的发展, 语言越来越成为不同文化背景和国家之间互相交流的纽带。因此, 在这种情况下, 了解彼此的文化和语言, 包括方言俗语, 日益凸显出其迫切性。情景喜剧, 作为一种可以承载当地俗语的一种视听媒体方式, 正在通过不同的方式引入国内。传统的幽默探讨或翻译探讨侧重于书面或口头语言文字类幽默,对通过多元符号构建的情景喜剧幽默关注甚少。本文在介绍俗语的基础上, 回顾了文化与俗语之间的发展了历程, 叙述了剧本翻译的特点并得出结论, 最后指明了目前翻译背景下美国情景喜剧俗语翻译的不足并给出建议。



This thesis introduces how American common sayings are translated and interpreted in the American siltation comedies familiar to the audience both at home and abroad and that how to gain a more clear picture through the translation of American common sayings in the comedies. In order to understand American situation comedies and TV operas, we should understand the American culture and life through another perspective of translation and interpreting of common sayings. Since the 21st century, with the multi-polarity and economic globalization, language has been serving as the communication belt between different cultural backgrounds and nations, so under such circumstances, how to gain a better understanding of each others’ culture and language, including the dialects and idioms, becomes more pressing and urgent. Thus, this thesis briefs on the analysis and perception of American idioms in the process of translation and interpreting of comedies. In order to make it more clear, the thesis will give several suggestions and limitations of the translation in American situation comedies.

Keywords: common sayings; American situation comedy; translation

1 Introduction
1.1 Background of common saying
   In March 2017, the U.S. FOX television series Prison Break has been dropped out of the audience ratings of the top 20, however, it is unexpected that on the other side of pacific, Prison Break was still catching great popularity in China. There are large amount of common sayings in Prison Break. What is the common saying? Opinions vary among people. Some think that the common saying is a kind of rude and disrespectful language, or dirty words. In fact, the common saying is a daily expression of Americans.
