
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





As one of the forms of art, films have the biggest influence on the society, because films are the effective means to convey the value and culture of a country. The title plays a very important role in a film. The title of a film should present the theme and the context of the movie; what’s more, it must attract the audiences and guarantee the box office. But unlike the prosperous development of Chinese films, the English translation of Chinese film titles is shoddy, such as translating a title into different English types. It is detrimental to developing the Chinese films overseas. In order to develop the communication and spread of Chinese films and promote the flourish of Chinese films overseas, based on documents research and translation practices, the thesis tries to introduce the suitable methods of Chinese film titles translation from the perspective of film translation methods, like literal translation, liberal translation and the culture background. The thesis is aim at standardizing the translation of movie titles and improving the qualities of English translation of Chinese film titles.

Keywords: film titles; English translation; literal translation; liberal translation

1.    Introduction
As a special method to convey the civilization of a country, movies will be fordized to show values of countries to the world every year. And Chinese movies are also mass-produced each year. A movie title, as one of the most important parts of a movie, gives audiences the directly impression of a movie, so how to express the meaning of the title well to the world becomes a central problem.
1.1 Film titles and translation
In 1895, the first film was produced in France. Having developed for such a long time, the film has become one of the most popular ways to entertain people. Additionally, it is also a way to develop cultural communication. The film has included various historical periods so that people believe that by watching films they can learn a lot of knowledge of history. The film is, so to speak, an acting and talking encyclopedia of culture and society.
