
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Currently, English has become a second language that has an almost worldwide use, with great significance in many international settings. Yet the confusion between the mother tongue and English has always brought with it the emergence of interlanguage. As for Chinese ESL learners, the difference between Chinese and English has resulted in Chinglish. This paper aims to investigate the three types of grammatical mistakes which have been frequently made in Chinglish, particularly in written forms. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part gives a brief introduction of the importance and motivation of this research along with the thesis statement while the following part is presented as the literature review. The third part demonstrates the interlanguage theory which is the theoretical basis of this thesis. The fourth part covers the three types of grammatical mistakes in Chinglish: (i)verb conjugation mistakes of the third person singular and different tenses (ii) confusion between the definite and indefinite articles (iii) omission of the copula verbs. The final part is the conclusion that applies to the Interlanguage Theory. The grammatical mistakes in Chinglish are generalized as the outcome of negative transfer from the interference of the learners’ first language in the course of second language acquisition.

Key words: Chinglish, Interlanguage,Grammatical Mistakes, Causes
