
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20



关键词:重视 听力 习惯和技能




常见问题有:“Where does the conversation most probablytake place?”(2017年6月和2017年12月都出现了)


常见问题有:“Howdoes the woman suggest the man preparefor Professor Young’s exam?”(2017年6月)“What’s the man’ssuggestion tothe woman?”(2017年12月)


在否定类型中,我们要特别注意表否定的单词或短语(如no,not,hardly,never,the last thing,etc.)。在表转折的类型中,我们就要重点抓住“but”后面的内容。如:1.W:Are you still teachingat the junior high school?M:Not since June.My brother and I opened a restaurant assoon as he got out ofthe army.Q:What do we learn about the man from the conversation?(2017年6月)2.W:Have you seen the movie the departed?The plot was socomplicated that I reallygot lost.M:Yeah,I felt the same,but after I saw it a second time,Icould put all the pieces together.Q:Howdid the twospeakers find the movie?(2017年6月)


这类题需要理解对话中的相关词汇短语,并能在选项中找到相近的意思转述。如,W:I ran into Sally the other day.I could hardly recognizeher.Doyou remember her fromhigh school?M:Yeah,she was a little out of shape(与选项C中的over-weight意思相近)back then.Well,has she lost a lot ofweight?Q:What does the man remember ofSally?(2017年12月)


常见问题有:“What can we infer from the conversation?”(2017年6月)“What dowe learn fromthe conversation?”(2017年12月)“What does the woman imply?”(2017年12月)长对话和短文听力的提问方式最常见的有四种类型:细节题、主旨题、判断题和推理题。其中细节题题型是出现最多的一类,所考查的细节包括具体时间、地点、主要人物或事件、各种数字等。常见问题如:“Where does the conversation mostprobably take place?”(2017年12月)“Howlong did Herbert re-main unconscious?”(2017年6月)主旨题常见的提问方式有:“What is the passage mainlyabout?”“What is the speaker talkingabout?”判断题常见的提问方式有:“Which of the following istrue/not true,according to the passage?”“Which of the followingis not mentioned?”推理题常见的提问方式有:“What can be in-ferred fromthe passage?”“What does the speaker think about theproblem...?”“Howdoes the speaker feel about...?”


其实做听力题更像是在进行侦探一样,之所以有很多学生听力效率低,主要是他们没有想到利用选项信息,更不用说从里面找出高频词汇,对所讲内容进行推理了。听力并不只是单纯的听,它是一项综合性的运动,需要你手眼耳脑并用。通常情况下,我们要快速地浏览选项,找出3-4个高频词并顺手画上记号,然后根据这几个词汇推理出接下来的对话或短文可能会讲哪方面的内容,有时仅仅推测出一个大致的方向对我们的听力都是很有帮助的。如2017年12月真题上的Pas-sage One。

1.[A]Theycare a lot about children.

[B]Theyneed lookingafter in their old age.

[C]Theywant toenrich their life experience.

[D]Theywant children tokeep their company.

2.[A]Theyare usuallyadopted fromdistant places.

[B]Their birth information is usuallykept secret.

[C]Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth infor-mation.

[D]Their adoptive parents don’t want them to know theirbirth parents...

3.[A]They generally hold bad feelings towards their birthparents.

[B]They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptiveparents.

[C]They have mixed feelings about finding their natural par-ents.

[D]They are fully aware of the expenses involved in thesearch.

4.[A]Early adoption makes for closer parent-child relation-ship.

[B]Most people prefer toadopt children fromoverseas.

