弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫(1882年1月25日—1941年3月28日)是英国著名的女作家。由于她熟练的意识流写作手法和新颖的双性同体观点,伍尔夫也被世界公认为是二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋之一。在两次世界大战期间她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)的重要成员之一,而布卢姆茨伯里派的宽容自由氛围和男女平等的主张也为伍尔夫日后的创作创造了良好的环境。我们也可以说没有布卢姆茨伯里派的宽容自由氛围和男女平等的主张也就没有伍尔夫的著作。
伍尔夫最知名的小说包括《戴洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)、《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)、《雅各的房间》(Jacob’s Room)。其中《到灯塔去》因其熟练地应用了意识流写作手法以及作者清晰的两性主张而受到全世界评论家的关注,并且这股热潮一直持续至今。小说主要是讲述了拉姆齐一家以及他们的朋友在第一次世界大战前后在度假岛上的事情,主要的人物是拉姆齐夫妇和莉丽・布里斯科。总共有三个部分:窗户(window),时过境迁(time passes),灯塔(the lighthouse)。以到灯塔去为贯穿全书的线索,小说围绕这次旅行而产生的分歧以及最后旅行的成功,传达出了双性同体的必要:只有达到双性同体的状态,人类才能获得成功。
Virginia Woolf (1882/1/25-1941/3/28) is a well-known British female writer. Due to her excellent stream of consciousness writing technique and novel position of androgyny, Woolf is regarded as one of the pioneers of the twentieth-century modernism and feminism. She is the core of the London culture during the two World Wars and also an important member of the Bloomsbury Group, whose light and free atmosphere and stand of the equality between male and female provides a significant influence upon Woolf’s works. It is justified to make the conclusion that there would be no such works like To the Lighthouse without the Bloomsbury Group.
The famous novels of Woolf are Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Jacob’s Room, etc. To the Lighthouse has won the world attention for its excellent stream of consciousness writing technique and its androgynous stand. The novel narrates the lives of the Ramsays and their guests before and after the First World War at their holiday island. There are three main characters – the Ramsay couple and Lily Briscoe, and three parts – window, time passes, and the lighthouse. With the lighthouse as the clue, the novel describes the disagreements upon the trip to the lighthouse and the success of getting there and comes to a conclusion that only in the state of androgyny could the human beings obtain success.
This thesis implements the methods of contrast to analysis how the main characters in the novel displays androgyny and how the androgynous state is vital to the human harmony.
Key words: Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse, the Ramsay couple, Lily Briscoe, Androgyny ,英语论文 |