
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

In the global context, the essay studies the history of English in becoming a world language, and discussed three main reasons. Firstly, the colonization of the British Empire; secondly, some countries’ self colonization; thirdly, the rise of the United States and the overall dominance in the world. When English has become a world language, it is no longer regarded as a national language; Instead, it I marked with so many indigenous characteristics and thus splitting into many englishes with different phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. From the development of English, the author discussed whether Chinese will become an international language and then splits since China’s influence in the world is growing day by day. There are three main reasons: Firstly, the large-scale emigration of Chinese people has brought Chinese culture and language to the world. Secondly, the growth of comprehensive power of China; Thirdly, the function of the Internet. In the third part of the essay, the author presents the necessity to rewrite Chinese literary history because in the future, Chinese literature will not only include works in Greater China but also in the world written in ‘chineses’.
Keywords: globalization  English   Chinese  literature  international language

关键词  全球化   英语   汉语   文学   国际性语言
